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Kevin Bacon

Scratched my leather

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Well it had to happen sooner or later, I've left a chuffing great skid mark [of scratches] on my driver's side bolster. The leather has peeled up in places too, but only the very top 'colour' part if that makes sense?


It was a metal badge on the back of my trousers that caused it, so I cut it off, LOL!!


How do I repair the damage? Can it be 'patched up' with the right dye or am I looking at a retrim of that panel?! Just need to find out if it's doable DIY before I start ringing around and listening to the horseschitt from retrimmers? :-)

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I think it depends on how bad the scratches are. If it has actually ripped or gone through the leather then you will have to put a patch on it. Just found this repair kit......



Another couple of tips....


To repair a snag in leather, you can use clear nail polish to smooth the snag into place against the leather. Do not use clear nail polish to repair snags on suede.


To remove small scratches or cracks, apply leather conditioner (available at hardware, upholstery, auto supply and saddlery stores). Leather conditioner makes leather smooth and supple and can remove imperfections due to dryness. If leather conditioner doesn't remove a scratch, try using a shoe polish that matches the leather color. Always test in an inconspicuous spot beforehand.

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go to a local leather reconnaliser, they will do it properly and i know my local one charges abt £30 for something like that

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Thanks guys..... I spoke to Audioscape in the end as they dye vinyls and alcantara for customers. They have sent a sample off to a company that do leather connollising dyes, so I'll give that a whirl. Thanks for the tips.


And yeah, no more designer [metal] labels for me Coxy! :-)

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If the damage is what it sounds like, if you use some PVA glue on the lifted-up part and then wipe teh leather down in the directionof the lift that will stick it down okay. Make sure you leave it a while to dry. If its torn then use a small piece of leather off-cut on the INSIDE of teh cut sticking the two suede sides together. Again leave it a while and appy loads of conditioner to it afterwards to soften. If the top layer has become "suede" then get is coated and recoloured. HTH

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Damn, you being going through my wardrobe again? :-)


Cheers Fla mate. It's very superficial damage, literally just needs recoating and dying I think, no tears in the leather as such, it just scraped off the colour coat.

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