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Problems with electric windows......... Please Help!

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My passenger side window will not stay up and in place if i just wind it up and the drivers side one has started to do the same.........


Also the passenger side window when fully down will rattle in the door when you close it.... :( V upsetting... keep thinking it's going to smash if someone where to slam the door to hard..... even if i ask them not too.......


Please help


It's summer time........... yeahhhhhhh



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Mine rattle when there down too. Its really annoying. Not sure what can be done to sort them.




MMMmmmmm.................. oh yes. I'm with you on that.

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Cheers mattosmond......


Timo.... Yeah i've tried putting bubble wrap and all sorts of other C**P in the door pockets but it doesn't work.... I think you know what i'm saying about the RS6 though. Still want to keep the C aswell.



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mine do this too, think its just a raddo thing, mine dont do up propely all the time either, they rattle a little when wound up, but if push the button up a few tmes, the squeek up a bit higher, and stop rattling, it does this both sides? how can i fix this?

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The problem is that Corrado windows have a glued plastic part which drives the window through a metallic rail.


They usually brake with time, you will get that annoying rattle, window playing which will not allow to close it properly to the top...


Once i went to VW to get those plastic parts. They told me they were not supplyed individually, only the complete window!!! :shock:


Bunch of muppets!

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ok guys, i think I know the issues your having...


1) take the door card off and peel back the plastic stuff over the door.


2) lower the window 2/3 down


You should see a metal bar in the spaces between the door. Toward the left hand side you should see a metal "prong" with a rounded head (sorry can't describe this better).


Check in the inside of the door for a white circular clip. The centre should be hollow. This should fit over the "prong". Slide the white clip along the metal bar and press the prong inside firmly. This should solve any rattling issues.


However, it is quite liable to coming un done, so I assume that there is something missing to secure it. So far the best solution i have found is not always raise the window before closing the door to reduce the stress involved.






PS - would have pictures but I finally put my interior back togehter last night after 3 weeks of no door card and stereo!

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