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the punisher

Timing chains

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ok this weekend i settled down to do my timing chains... with the knowlege base how to which i must say is amazing! so thanks who ever put that together.


eveyrthing was gong great had the chains off put the bottom one on and went to put the top on but ggaarr the chain they had given me for the type of car and year was diffrent to the chain i just took off the engine!!


Ok the chain on the car is a single or (simpelx) chain similar to the bottom chain but longer... the chain the had given me was a double or (duplex) chain (like the one in the how to guide) ... does this mean i have a diffrent vr6 engine coudl it be a gof engine 2.8ltr and not a corrado2.9ltr.. even though the engine came out of a corrado shell! or have i just got the age of the engine wrong?


does anyone know why there is a diffrence here?







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Late AAA Golf engines had a simplex cam chain. All ABVs are duplex, although that isn't to say the ABV block hasn't received an entire late AAA top end at some point in it's life though.


The engine block number is stamped on by the water pump, just below the head.

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Late AAA Golf engines had a simplex cam chain. All ABVs are duplex, although that isn't to say the ABV block hasn't received an entire late AAA top end at some point in it's life though.


The engine block number is stamped on by the water pump, just below the head.


Thanks that was my next question where was the code...


so it might have a diffrent head... the tensioner and guides and chain dont apear to have a lot of wear on them so that might add up


Umm ok this could get more confusing before it gets simpler...



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ok sooo someone else has surgested the engine is newer then i thought first...as in 1996 VW changed the corrado engine from double to single...top chain... not an older 1994 engine as i first thought... so the engine code shoudl be ABV not AAA


sound right?



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Very impressive picture there Supercharged, i would LOVE my engine bay to look like that. Do you ahve any more of other areas? Sorry off topic?

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I recognise that picture Steve :wink:


Hi punisher, what type of intermediate sprockets have you got, I'm assuming that the outer part has been changed to simplex along with the chain and cam sprockets; they of course would normally be duplex on the 2.9 engine.

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the plot thinkens....


the engine code had be removed...yes removed!! the area indicated in the picture was easy to find but was rusty! assuming the top layer had been taken off exposing the metal beneith....could have been natural rusting but i suspect its been filed off... anyways the only number i could find are as follows


1120138e - stamped in the head belt side


0148 - on the engine block at the front near dip stick


80hbh -as above


021103373c - on rear of head


are these any help to me ??





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