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Hood release

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Today, i went to open my hood and the hood release leaver broke, i unbolted it and i saw that there was a little clip that is attached to the black part of the cable broke holding it to the levar bracket, now when i go to pull the lever the whole cable moves along with its out black covering, for me to open my hood i need to take too pliers and hold the black end and pull on the other to pop it, it takes some time because only one side wants to pop, and idea, can i replace the small metel bracket or do i need to replace the whole cable?? i was thinking maybe i can put a little slit in the levaer it self and slide the cable through peventing the black piece from coming forwards, IDK im lost



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Mine broke yesterday i managed to buy a new cable with the black coverings and clips but it cost around £30, havent had a chance to fit it yet but i'll et you know what i come across.

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