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mtc R32

1996 Corrado's ???

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Ordering a few parts from VW Dealers and they couldn't believe I owned a Corrado with a year of 1996 ?????


They said "I'm sorry Sir this car was only produced upto 1995" I had to show them my LOGBOOK!!!


What I want to know is how many other people out there have 1996 C's ??


Are there only a handful ????

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There are quite a few owners of '96 Corrado's. Mine is one of them.


There was a post on here some time ago listing the registration date date of the 96 models. :D

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They were actually only produced up to '95 IIRC but they just had a bit of a backlog trying to sell the cars, so some of them ended up getting registered as late as '96. I think there is even a handful of '97 cars around but don't hold me to that!

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I seem to think production ended around August '95. I recall seeing a P registered car somewhere, its like the K and L plate Mark2s, late registered stock as Jim says.

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I've seen a P plate...


My new shape Passat is on a 55 plate and I've seen the older shape ones on an 06!


It's a crazy world out there :lol:

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Yep - no 96 corrado's actually exist, last ones were on the 95/S chassis...


There are at least 3 late registered P platers arounds and maybe an R reg too...

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bear in mind too that P plate is from august 96 so its not exactly a major thing for a C to have waited around a few months longer to be reg'd 1st August 1996............at the end of the day it was still going to have been made no later than July 95

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