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Rob's R32 Corrado - FOR SALE :(

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there's always plenty of golf anniversary bbs' on ebay Rob, shouldn't take you anytime to find some! I'm sure yours will sell well to someone too :)..


edit: or these! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=59470&hilit= :lol:


Yeah i wish i had £750 to spend on wheels mate! Im in no rush at all to get any other wheels, still not 100% sure on what im going to do as i could also just get 2 7.5 x 16 Brocks for the fronts and stick with 9's on the rear as the 7.5's have less dish and therefore give better clearance so would accomodate the 288's, but if i wanted to go for 312's in the future (most probably will!) i dont think they would fit so i will be back to where i am now. Plus i would have to fork out for tyres to fit them and get them sprayed the same as the rears so would end up costing a lot!!

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I took my car back to the garage and told them that changing the rear wheel bearings has done sweet FA and they were surprised! So one of them (different guy to the last one, more my age!) jumps in the car with me and we go for a drive. As soon as we get up to speed i can hear the droning and point it out. He says there is definately a noticable noise that is quite obviously coming from the front that the other guy (who's supposed to be the pro, this guy hasnt been working there long!) should have noticed. We were then trying to figure it out as it wasnt a classical wheel bearing noise ie it wasnt making the noise under load more generally and if i turn the steering from side to side slightly.


He then suggested one thing which was that he replaced the wheel bearings on a car a few weeks back and apparently the noise didnt go away from that either. It turned out to be worn top mounts and the noise was actually coming from the tyre. And i told him thats its funny he should mention top mounts as i had diagnosed the other day that the clunking when i turn my steering at very low (and stationary) speeds was the top mounts! But the top mounts (including bearings) were new when i put my coilovers on. So he could only suggest i fitted them incorrectly. He told me to go away and check the top mounts and try to sort out the clunking first and if that doesnt sort the droning noise then take it back and they will 'see what they can do' about fitting new front bearings.


So any ideas about the top mounts? I got a mate to turn the steering stationary whilst i had the bonnet up and watched the top mounts and as the wheels were turning i could see the top mounts turning as i heard the clunking noise. My mate suggested it could be something simple like not done the top mount nut up tight enough due to the coils turning??

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Well i fitted my new heater matrix over the weekend and all i can say is OH MY GOD WHAT A JOB!!! :shock: :shock:


I decided to take the long route and take the whole dash out so that i could clean it all up and (supposedly!) de-rattle the dash. I personally cant see how it can be done without taking the dash out tbh!


Anyway i took some pics along the way to amuse you all :lol:


This was about half way through, all the bits connected to the dash shell had been removed so was about ready for the dash to be lifted out:



My mate took a picture of me and you can see from my face exactly what im thinking ... "What the f**k have i got myself in to!" :lol:



I decided to return the favor and took a pic of my mate a little off guard, he looks a bit spaced out maaaan! :lol:



I was working on the dash so long i actually became a part of it :lol:



Back to being serious now :lol: DASH OUT! What a scary sight! :shock:



Then all the fan ducts and the main heater core came out:



Old Matrix Vs New Matrix



This shows how minging the old matrix is!



And whilst it was all out i serviced all the heater control components to make sure all the direction cables worked, its made such a different just greasing up the cogs and then putting it back together with the cables as straight as possible!



Then put it all back together again using lots of sticky back foam/felt wherever plastic touches plastic to get rid of unwanted squeaks and rattles (although tbh it still rattles just not so many squeaks :lol:):



So quite an accomplished weekend. Although now im just really worried that i havent done it right and it not going to last long or something else wrong with the car caused it to go in the first place etc etc but im sure it will be fine!! My heaters all work now which is great! :D Took it out after bleeding all the coolant etc and the car still bloody rattles like hell so next job is gut the rest of the interior, lay down some sound proofing and apply more felt between plastics etc!!


Oh and the guide i used was THIS one on the Corrado Club of Canada website, bloody good guide!! Just not 100% the same as its an american spec car so has more work because of cruise control, AC (if you have it!) etc but i dont think i could of done it without it tbh!

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fair play rob, no-one can accuse you of being afraid to take a big job on! well done for getting it all back together!


how long did you spend on it?

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nicely done Rob. Like the 'wtf' pic - it reminded me of how I felt when I saw my dash out but glad to say I wasn't doing it lol! Just wish I'd got some of the rattles and the heater working at the same time. So what's the next big task you're gonna take on??!

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fair play rob, no-one can accuse you of being afraid to take a big job on! well done for getting it all back together!


how long did you spend on it?


Well it needed doing, there was a good guide available and if i had got it done by a garage it would of cost me a fortune and i wouldnt be able to afford my supercharger for a while so i had no choice but to do it myself really, but at the same time i done it for more experience, i now know where everything goes under my dash which i didnt before so was a good thing imo!


We spent both days on it but thats mainly because i became rather unwell on saturday so had to go bed with the job half done. And i also wanted to take my time and try to make it better than it was before. We started about noon saturday and finished about 6pm ish (with lots of tea breaks though and we popped out for a bit to get some draft excluder for the de-rattling). Then pretty much the same for sunday. But i spent all night cleaning my interior carpets etc sunday night as they got a bit wet :(

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nicely done Rob. Like the 'wtf' pic - it reminded me of how I felt when I saw my dash out but glad to say I wasn't doing it lol! Just wish I'd got some of the rattles and the heater working at the same time. So what's the next big task you're gonna take on??!


Cheers Faye! Im glad i was doing it myself and saw it like that then seeing someone else doing it tbh, i can imagine you being a bit WTF!! :lol:


The next BIG job is fitting the supercharger 8) but need to sort few things out before that like the sodding wheel bearing, clunking top mounts and fit my new brakes.

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Props Rob.....


Did you manage to get the Stereo to fit properly too whilst you were in there.....


I may have to done a lesser version of this to get my front speakers working.. think I'm gonna by-pass the loom and just run Monster cable to the doors and sling in the Referance speakers that have been hiding in the folks Garage for a few years into another set of pods...

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Well we got the stereo to fit better than it was but it still sticks out a bit. But then mine has 3 RCA's going into the back of it so its a bit tight!

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Well we got the stereo to fit better than it was but it still sticks out a bit. But then mine has 3 RCA's going into the back of it so its a bit tight!


If you pull the glove box out you can tease the cables out so it should slide in... I can't get my glovebox out so I had to remove the tray underneath, still didn't get it right in though. Nevermind, main thing is that there is a stereo in it now.

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Well we got the stereo to fit better than it was but it still sticks out a bit. But then mine has 3 RCA's going into the back of it so its a bit tight!


If you pull the glove box out you can tease the cables out so it should slide in... I can't get my glovebox out so I had to remove the tray underneath, still didn't get it right in though. Nevermind, main thing is that there is a stereo in it now.


The glove box is a cnut to remove! That was pretty much one of the first things i had to remove when doing the heater matrix and i was stuck straight away. It pulls out so far then stops! My mate managed to get it out in the end, it was catching on something underneath, cant remember what though. Im ok with how the stereo sits now, its better than it was so will do me.

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Good work Rob, looks like a pain in the backside to do... I must do this at some point.....


Whats the total cost of all the bits that you need including sorting out the heater controls....

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Good work Rob, looks like a pain in the backside to do... I must do this at some point.....


Whats the total cost of all the bits that you need including sorting out the heater controls....


Sorting out the heater controls didnt cost me anything as i forgot to order any new cables, but it wasnt necessarily needed as when it was all out we just greased up the cogs that turn the flaps and lubed them up a bit with some engine oil and tested they all operated properly, then when we put it all back together again we routed all the cables so that they were as straight as possible and my controls work fine now.


The matrix itself cost me about £50 delivered from GSF and its a genuine Valeo one. VW wanted £115 +VAT for one which is the same unit only it comes with warranty, although tbh if it went wrong and you told them you fitted it yourself im sure they will try and wiggle out of it sayin you must not of done it correctly or something, and its still cheaper to get another one from GSF!!


Then i just spent a few quid on some draft excluder foam from my local DIY store to stop squeeks and rattles etc, and then i suppose its just any costs of coolant top ups afterwards (im completely renewing my coolant as its a bit old).


Its a long job but tbh its not that hard really as the guide tells you pretty much every step, its just mainly undoing screws and removing parts off the dash shell then remove the dash and replace the matrix. That said i dont fancy doing it again which is why im trying to sort out my cooling system once and for all :lol:

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I have a supercharger!!




I bought Coxylad's Rotrex supercharger off him a little while ago, took a while to pay (sorry again!) but finally i have it!! Its beautiful! I cant wait to get it fitted! Its a lot smaller than i thought it was going to be, certainly looks smaller than the Vortechs thats for sure.


Just need to order the brackets etc from R-Tech in Denmark now and get the rest of the bits and bobs liks injectors, intakes, filter etc and then fit it! :D






And of course i had to put it in place to see how it looks :lol:






Thanks again Coxy mate you are a legend!


Karl - Start booking some weekends off :lol:

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Awesome work that man!!! Not only do you have a sexy C, but it'll also be a fooking quick one!!! Nice one 8)

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Awesome work that man!!! Not only do you have a sexy C, but it'll also be a fooking quick one!!! Nice one 8)


Yep all show and all go :lol:


Although tbh its going to be less show soon as the brocks might be going. Still undecided on what to do, either way i need to make changes as i am putting my 288's on soon and the brocks dont fit over them :( so im running speedlines until i decide whether to change the brocks for some sensible 16's or just replace the fronts with 7.5's instead of 9's which will clear the brakes!!

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great news Rob, bring it all with you tomorrow so we can have a look. and make sure you have loads of coffee (nescafe) and bread (warburtons) for my toast. i cant work without either of the above 2 things :lol:



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great news Rob, bring it all with you tomorrow so we can have a look. and make sure you have loads of coffee (nescafe) and bread (warburtons) for my toast. i cant work without either of the above 2 things :lol:




I thought i was going to be doing the work and you were just going to be assisting? If thats the case shouldnt you be the one making the coffee and toast for me?? :lol:


Only kidding mate, there will be as much toast and coffee as you want!! :D

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I have just realised that my engine bay looks really clean in those pics .. bit of camera trickery me thinks :lol:

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That heater matrix does look a tad triky! :shock:

This cars gonna be awesome once that chargers on.

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