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Fans don't work through the dash vents??

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I have done a number of searches and cannot find any with the same problem. I cannot get the fans to work through the dash vents: the knob will not physically turn all the way round, it gets stuck in the dash / footwell position but nothing comes through the dash.


I am going to have a go at stripping this apart over the weekend, I figure its either a problem with the cables behind the control unit or the flaps diverting air to the dash is stuck/broken.


Has anyone else had this problem? If so can you point me in the right direction.

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this is quite a common problem... there are alot of threads covering the problem... basically the cables seize up or get kinks in them which stops the dials turning properly

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iv got this problem but with the early sliding type controls. I cant slide it all the way to the right hand side to the dash vents it gets stuck on the footwell vents. Is this to do with the cables aswell, sorry to hijack the thread

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Thanks Reaper. I've already looked at this subject and a load of other ones like it but its a different problem.


My fans work on all speed settings but the dial for the direction simply won't turn all the way round. I did find one that mentioned about it not working on the windscreen setting but can't even find that one again.

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you checked to make sure the knobs are the right ones for the controls.........cos although they are identical looking on the face of them.........if you mix them up they won't work with any other control other than the control they are meant to work with(ie the heater speed one won't work properly if swapped with the temp heat setting etc etc)

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Had the same prob on my mk2 Golf. Turned out to be a cog that moved from the slider control had broken off. A bit of superglue & it was spot on.

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I've got the same problem on mine and just realised the problem I've got isn't covered in the how-to.


The cogs on the heater box itself (the thing buried at the back of the dashboard) have slipped a tooth or two, so nothing moves.


Apparently it's great fun to try and fix...

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looks it lol ,mine dont work on the 1st setting works on the other 3 tho so i can get screen setting(not to bad) but i want to have a look at it rec its the wire or that cog thats playing up?




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Yeah, it'll be the cogs that move the flaps in the heater box that have jumped a couple of teeth and are stopping the movement. Not too bad to do tbh, once you know what you're doing. There's a securing plug in the middle of the cog that you'll need a 90deg painr of pliers to pull out, then the cog/arm will drop out, you reposition it correctly and push the securing plug back in to hold it in place again.


My thanks to Mr Haywire for talking me through it when I had to do it on the Passat... :)

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