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Help with multiple random engine q's.

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I need some help with a few engine issues. Can you identify and/or tell me where they go from the pictures below.


If you help, you get a prize which is the satisfaction of helping a young, struggling, corrado owner...or maybe a freddo bar if i see you at a show! :D




This screw, is T-shaped, and is flat at top. Where does it go?




I know where this lead starts, but where should it go? I think its to the charger, but which hole, as there's two. Im prob wrong.




Does the rubber hose im holding attach to the back of the inlet indicated?






Driveshafts...ive got the drivers side on fine, but not the pass side. The bearings fell out, i put them back in, but now it wont swivel/rotate/move as freely as the other side did. The outer bit doesnt line up with the bearings, and i needed to twist it a bit to get it in. I havent moved it, but now it wont line up.




Also, do i need to push them all the way in?





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That first one, the T shaped screw goes thru the spare hole on the water pump and thru the lower cambelt cover which is then held in place with a nut...

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The hose you are holding is the ecu vac hose and needs to be exactly 1m long. It goes on the top nipple of the throttle body. Needs to be fastened well at both ends.

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Cheers so far guys.


Biggrim, do you mean the metal one, or the rubber one. I think you mean the metal one, as its quite long. The rubber one, might be long, but it dissapears along the firewall, and i havent looked where it finishes.

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He means the rubber one...


I think the armoured cable you're holding could be the oil feed line for the charger. Just don't use the car without this attached else you'll be risking the charger.

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Could someone take a look at their charger, and tell me if the armoured pipe pictured connects to the charger, closer to the rad, or closer to the airbox (or where the airbox should be)

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It connects on the side matey. Next to where the outlet is (right hand side as you look at it). The rubber pipe goes into the ecu under the scuttle tray on the far right of the bay as you look at it.

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If your drive shaft wont work properly then try taking it back apart and puting it back together another way. If my memory serves me there are two way of putting them together, one is dead easy and means it doesn't work or is fixed solid, the other way is a ba***rd to put together and means it works perfectly.


I think it might be the metal dished bearing suport ring thing the wrong way round.

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The armoured cable is the oil feed line it goes onto the charger on the hole thats on the front of the charger and not on the bottom there should be a larger black rubber pipe that goes down to the sump...


Have you bought the car this way or done some work and cant remember how it goes back together??? :scratch:

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Have you bought the car this way or done some work and cant remember how it goes back together???


He's put a new engine in his car himself - learning as he goes 8)

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Ohhhh that would explain it well no problems then i was just asking.... hope the advice helps you along with the build..

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The oil lines are different sizes so you cant them muddled up


Yes they are...13mm and 17mm i think. I Thank you.


I re-did the driveshaft on wed, but it still didnt work, and i ended up doing my shoulder a mischief :x , and having to have yesterday off. :wink:


The rubber pipe im holding by the TB, goes across the top of the engine, and over to the other side. does it definately go on the bit i arrowed to?


The reason i ask, is because i found another rubber pipe, in near enough the same position, and i dont know where that one goes. :oops: :mad:


I have some more questions...yipee-do




Does this go in here...? The pipe im holding goes all the way through to the other side of the engine, near the bottles. (it seems the only place it can go)


Where does this go? V V V V V V




Where the feck does this go?






I have this:




Which i have been placing on the top of this (where red arrow points), and then threading the bolts through from below (as illustrated with the blue line)




Im sure this was how they were removed, but as a mate did this bit, im not sure. I tried yesterday, but no matter how hard i tried, the bolt didnt seem to be long enough! :mad:


Again any help muchos appreciated. :notworthy:

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the bottom ball joint needs to go inbetween the top and bottom part of the wishbone so its in the middle

the cable with the yellow crimps goes from the throttle body to the bracket for the coil, its an earth strap

the blue plug is a knock sensor which is attached to the block at the front

the pipe you are holding looks like it could be a power steering pipe if it is copper, so it will go into the power steering pump


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the 'thing' you are holding up to the hole in the PS pump is the pressure relief valve which is part of the pump :?

It shouldn't have been removed, only the pressure hose union that is the feed to the steering rack, looks like someone undid the inner rather than outer nut and pulled the innards out of the pump by mistake. Various bits fall out if you remove the valve IIRC, should be a spring inside about 3cm long 1cm wide?

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Yep, the springs still in there, with a little cap on top. Everythings falls out if you were to tip it.


When you say, "it shouldnt have been removed" have i fooked it...?! :cry:


Rob_B Thank-you. I didnt even think of putting that bit in bewteen the wishbones, but it seems so obvious now. (doh)

What bracket?

Attached where at the front of the block?

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Yep, the springs still in there, with a little cap on top. Everythings falls out if you were to tip it.


When you say, "it shouldnt have been removed" have i fooked it...?! :cry:


Nope :) , it just isn't a good idea to get crap inside it and it doesn't need to come out to remove the pressure hose.


you're also supposed to prime the pump with fluid when you assemble everything, but I found the fluid just runs through it if you connect up the feed from the reservoir and leave the pressure hose off.

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But it does go in there...?!


And thank you for the 'nope'! I appreciated it!


yep, it goes in there!


then as I said, the pressure hose (the hose that goes to the rack, not the reservoir) connects to the end of it - can't see it in your pic. presuming the valve isn't still screwed on the end of the hose union?


BTW, looking at the pic, the fill hose from the reservoir is connected but it needs a jubilee clip around it or it will leak.

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Rob_B Thank-you. I didnt even think of putting that bit in bewteen the wishbones, but it seems so obvious now. (doh)

What bracket?

Attached where at the front of the block?


just bolt the earth strap to the bracket which the coil is sitting in. dont bolt it to the coil, just the bracket

there are various bolt holes on the front of the block, you need one which is lower than the superchargerin the middle somewhere!

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Can anyone clarify where i need to attach the black wire with yellow clips? (ignore the arrow)


Im really grateful for the replies so far, but i just dont understand where its supposed to go. :oops:


An idiot guide with an arrow for where would be brilliant!!



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