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Mr Sands

Seemingly abandoned 'rado

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It's by the side of the A38 in Bromsgrove, by the Redditch roundabout, just east of the town centre. First spotted it last night, but it was still there this morning, so I don't think it's broken down. It's up on the verge and I have a feeling it might have been abandoned there.


It's a black valver on big alloys, look to be seventeens, clear rear light clusters, reg L313 ***. I've seen it around that area before, on the A38 and parked up outside the loading gates for the local Brewers' Fayre pub. Seen a young chap at the wheel, who I presume works there. Last time I saw it, it had a for sale sign in the rear offside window. That's not in the car where it is now, although the blu-tack is still on the window. Front plate had had some numbers blacked out but rear plate is intact.


Thus it's got all the hallmarks of something he's dumped since he couldn't sell it, although I could be doing him a grand disservice. Anyone on here know the car or owner? It's a crying shame seeing it there, especially since by this morning, someone had either ripped off or nicked the offside wing mirror.

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Yes, indeed it did. Thought I'd flag it up on here though, in case someone would know of the car's owner, and also to fill the time until I'm sure that it's not simply been parked there, or has broken down and is awaiting pick-up.

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Strange 5 year old thread to drag up!



I think its the way the new forum software defaults the posts sort, it's not an easy one to spot otherwise!

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I did have a major case of deja vu when this thread title popped up under new posts. I was thinking "I'm sure that I posted exactly this a few years back...hang on...".

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