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Retro fitting Parking Sensors

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Lookin good, i thought the only motification you would get in the cabin would be a BEEP, but you got a visual reading L + R too!


Smart! (How much by btw?)

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Well I was thinking, if the sensors were rubbish I could rip the whole lot out and only have to replace the bottom skirt rather than a complet bumper.


Works really well. Best 15 bucks I have ever spent. We'll see how long it last though. But at that price I'll just be having another kit if it breaks.


Ebay rocks!!

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Looks tidy... just not to sure about the box up front....


I was thinking about one of theses for my A4... I want it to look as OEM as possible..

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Looks tidy... just not to sure about the box up front....


I was thinking about one of theses for my A4... I want it to look as OEM as possible..


Ours is factory - we've just got a beeper - no box in the front.

Beeps get closer together until it flatlines = enough space behind to load/unload the boot - sorted :)

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Looks good, one major flaw, you are supposed to look behind when reversing :lol:


You can get systems where the display goes in the headlining so you can see it in your mirror / if you look back, much better IMHO, a lot more expensive than 15 though I suppose. :shock:

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