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Women drivers

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I totally agree with what was said about women drivers....there are plenty out there on the road who think they can drive and then cut you up when you get near the school gates in their bloody 4x4's......and that's when I'm not in the raddo....typical example there is this woman in her people carrier...(loads of dents)...can see kids walking down pavement...pulls up and then proceeds to reverse park....back wheels now on pavement...kids still walking on pavement.....if parents hadnt pulled them out of the way....well!!!!!!! gets out and goes to fetch her one child from school......obviously had no mirrors or no licence and going by the state of the car no idea how to park never mind drive.....!!!!


And another thing why are 99% of golf cabrio's and other cabrio's drivers blonde bimbo's????? and Bloody useless at driving.....they pulll up next to me with their roof down....look over witha a sickly smirk and then think they are going to leave me at the lights..........then as the lights change and you look back they are still sat at the lights...wondering what happenned.


women drivers and dont even get me started on pensioners.......are the bane of my life......it's not the men...driving the g60 I tend to get let out at junctions....allowed in in traffic and given the uttmost respect when i leave them standing at the lights......women..give you dirty looks...cut you up....try to run into you..never let you out and more........



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Speaking from experience as my dear old Grandad before he had to stop driving.....drove down the sliproad at an island leading onto the A38....the wrong way!!!!! now that was really scary!!!!!

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just about a month ago i was taking a right turn through the parking lane in the middle of traffic, and what do you know the lady in the big white explorer starts yelling that she wants to go right too. and so i signal her to go. well what do you know her bad judgment resulted in her car scraping against my drivers side mirror, causing a long stripe across her vehicle and my mirror relocated. she didn't even bother to say anything and just kept driving away. had to ignore it for personal reasons, nothing that a hammer and a trip to the breakers can't fix.

that's the only upside i can think of when owning a chavalier :wink:

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Just had a classic conversation with my mum.......


She has a diesel Golf and had left the interior light on over the weekend and obviously the battery went flat. So she called me tonight and asked

"will your petrol car be able to jump start my diesel car?"

She obviously doesn't realise what a battery in a car is for :roll:


Anyone else had conversations with women and then wonder why they don't get our "women drivers :roll: " attitude?


Sorry to Scarlett, Dubby, Blackcat and any other women on the forum, but it's comments like these that tar you all with that brush :lol:


Luckily me, Scarlett, Dubby and Blackcat are not that clueless about cars!

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I pretty much agree with what Scarlett said. Most women drivers are useless but I don't count myself amongst them.


None of my female friends know or care about cars and do not understand my obsession with 'rados.


I also know quite a bit more about cars than most male friends. I can do most small jobs on cars like oil changes, brakes etc. I even once changed the radiator on my golf all on my own. Aren't I a clever little girl :wink: ?

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I pretty much agree with what Scarlett said. Most women drivers are useless but I don't count myself amongst them.


None of my female friends know or care about cars and do not understand my obsession with 'rados.


I also know quite a bit more about cars than most male friends. I can do most small jobs on cars like oil changes, brakes etc. I even once changed the radiator on my golf all on my own. Aren't I a clever little girl :wink: ?


you are certainly very good to do that and its great that you can


I'm very useless also when it comes to car mechanics.


one thing i do find about a lot of women drivers is that when they own a car...they automatically seem to get it into their heads that their car is the fastest and best thing on the road. And they then try to compete very dangerously with other cars. not saying all are like this but take a female fiat driver for example..she has just bought her new car and has been unwittingly ripped off by the dealer in someway (probably on finance). She is so ignorant that she doesnt know about the benefits of regular oil changes, checking tyre pressures weekly..etc

then in discussion with someone else at work (car enthusiast) who owns a very decent car (lets say a corrado vr6 or golf mk2) she thinks hers is faster and will say "never heard of a vr6" and then adopts the attitude because she is ignorant of this..it automatically means its rubbish.


i guess it goes inline with a general opinion of a lot of women having tunnel vision and not be able to see the bigger picture. Much like theres an opinion that men in general may not ask for directions if lost.etc.

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I too don't have much good to say of the majority of women drivers.


After the road accident I was involved in and five months without driving, I had to rely on some of my dear female friends to drive me around.

This being me who for starters is rarely a passenger anyway.


I really couldn't believe how awful the experience was - few know how to drive around a roundabout, use indicators, let alone consider looking into the distance rather than just a few feet infront of their nose.


As for general maintenance and I mean just checking of tyres, oil and water - I have on several occassions got a few of my female friends round just to give them instruction on how to do this and dangers of not doing so reguarly.


Often if out with female friends, even if taking their car, I am often asked to drive !! Nearly every time, the car has some noise, rattle or other that I comment about and end up giving them a list to take to the next service. :oops:


One comment of the men though - why are so many so aggressive and yes some of the women too. I think there are better places to get rid of that pent up aggressive - the gym for instance.

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"One comment of the men though - why are so many so aggressive and yes some of the women too. I think there are better places to get rid of that pent up aggressive - the gym for instance".



Doesn't make me agressive seeing women work out in the gym Wendy Lol!

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One comment of the men though - why are so many so aggressive and yes some of the women too. I think there are better places to get rid of that pent up aggressive - the gym for instance.

Wendy, Im sure your guess is good as any. Its bound to come down to male competative neanderthal survival ways. As a generalisation you're right, but as said before women seem to be as bad these days. Its as if its a competition out there - its back to the attitude of "I OWN THE ROAD". I much prefer France where they pull into the verge as you overtake them and visa versa, they dont expect you to beep if they need to cut in sharply if they overtake you; give and take.


Who got onto OAP's? I dont even give them the time of day; I give them a huge berth* and always expect the worst - that way you never get flustered; face it, thier senses and stuff just aint up to scratch.


* give large berth ; just as you would a person who displayed a 'P' plate, lol

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Men make cars intimidating to women, most girls know 'something' however they don't want to ask questions/say what they think for fear of being shot down...
Yeh but don't worry, a lot of men know jack-**** about cars too.


Yeah, my Dad and two brothers being 3 such men!!


Women drivers - on the whole - are useless.

Agreed ;)


My Mum is a bloody superb driver :lol: She's a really fast driver but safe, technical and assertive (not aggressive) with it. But irony is she bollocks me if I drive like that.....parents, eh?


Lost count of the number of women I've seen in the past 2 months who let go of the steering wheel with both hands to see to thier hair. Maybe men are as bad with whatever they do - be it looking for paperwork/mobile/cigar/whatever. Maybe its just there are lost of bad PEOPLE on the road; genders just show some generalised areas of fault.


I agree, but it's men.....they're far worse!!. I'm not kidding, but I saw some teenage lad gelling his hair whilst driving along the other day :shock: Couldn't feckin believe it! And there's these laws about mobiles, eating and drinking etc......and this chief is doing a Toni and Guy on his feckin bonce at 50mph.....tw@t!! What I did wonder though is what he cleaned his hands with afterwards, or did he suffer slippery rim syndrome?!!


Wont let the GF drive my C; her new car has far too many scratches for my liking. "it just appeared, honest"


GF won't drive mine, she's scared of damaging it! And she can't see over the steering wheel anyway as she's too short :lol:


She has reasonable car knowledge, but never checks the oil in her Rover!!! Just aswell for her it doesn't use any between services and yep, hers has picked up loads of scratches too!

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one thing i do find about a lot of women drivers is that when they own a car...they automatically seem to get it into their heads that their car is the best thing on the road


well of course I do - I don't see many other 'rados around lol.


I agree that most women drivers are useless but way too many Micras and Corsas round my way. Don't reckon they can have a clue if that's their car of choice so I try to keep well clear...

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Nick, 33


The Hub, I wasn't going out with her when she bought that! It's an 04 plate Rover 25 1.4 with a might 83hp :lol: TBH, it's a damn good car, very under rated. No rattles, squeaks or anything and the damper/spring rates are absolutely spot on. Loads of caster for good turn-in and excellent body control - and this is in comparison to my Corrado with well over £1K invested in the chassis :shock: The hotter Rovers and MGs handle superbly, make no mistake! Shame they went under because their chassis expertise and K series engine were among the best in the industry.

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