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Banana Man

BANANA MANS (pics added 10/4/'05)

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8) .. bet they'll look sweet once there in...


I had a set of 3point Sabelt harness's with the seats...


from Demon Tweeks:)

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8) 8) 8)


very nice mate


I had an old AX GT :lol: going back a few years which we fitted them seats in....

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bannana man where did you get those side skirts from and also the rear splitter, ive been ooking for something similar for a while now.

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Big mac I bought the side skirts from venom motorsport they cost £240 I personally wouldn't pay that again but they are genuine reiger ones which are ten times better to fit than the fibreglass copies out there, and the rear splitter is of an unkown brand to me, think it might possibly be kamei haven't seen them about that often I bought it from a a german guy that usually does all the shows like Inters and stuff like that you can always recognise him as he has glasses and his mrs is always stoned out of her brain :D He cocked up the conversion figures and instead of paying £40 for it he charged me £10 :D billy bargain me thinks :D

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Sheesh.. I can't wait to see your motor Ant.


Looking forward to its first outing at Santa Pod next year, at RWYB! :D

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yeah hopefully it will be done just as the weather starts to turn warmish again :D The running in time will probably done in a day as I'll be driving it so much :D

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Well not long till inters now :D I ve certainly got my work cut out over the next few weeks!!!


The rado is going off for the respray tomorrow for all the new goodies to be added and colour coded. The pistons will be ready for collection this week so I can finally get started on rebuilding the engine. I cant believe how much there is to do and only a very short time to do it ( 9 weeks till inters I think :shocked!: :shocked!: how did that one come up so quick!!!! )


Anyways here's a few pics I ve taken today of what it looks like at the moment and as things are getting moving now more pics will be up soon as I make progress :)


I think it actually looks quite good with the grey bonnet :D

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its gonna look great bananaman, funds pretty tight so i think most of my time between now and Inters will be spent cleaning and polishing bits in the engine bay!.....and may be wider rims for my RM's

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My loan is ever increasing :( I owe mr bank manager the best part of 12k now :( and I ve just said goodbye to my corrado but she's going to love me in a few weeks when I get it back with the spanking new apperance :D things are looking up :D :D

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oooohhhh been to the bodyshop to see how my car is getting on and it's almost done :D :D it looks bloody amzing the finish is superb looks factory fresh again maybe even better :D just need to build the engine up and drop in now and I'll be a happy man again! Getting withdrawal symtoms now it's been so long!

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Mr Banana man - where abouts did you get your car painted?

How much was it?

and did the windows have to come out?


thanks from a fellow banana owner :wink:

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Hiya just thought I would post an update


The car is at the bodyshop at the moment it's at a place called R&P Autos which is in east grinstead near where I live so it's quite handy really. The re spray cost is around the 2k mark and they haven't had to take the rear windows out as they have been able to do them in situ and I must say they have done a proper job the bonnet, tailgate, sideskirts and byumpers are being done at the mo thats why they aren't on the car but they are looking excellent as well I'm well chuffed with the work thats gone into it :D


Should be getting it back by the weekend which is all good!

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Bananariffic :)


I never realised how much the Corrado looked like the old hatchback Astras from certain angles when its missing all those body pieces - especially so in the top picture :D


Lookin good though Ant.. can't wait to see the finished product! :)

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. I was supposed to be picking up the car today, all they had left to do last night was fit the bonnet, sunroof and tailgate, got a call this morning to say that the car is going to have to be completely stripped and re painted as the paint shop who mixed up the colour f*cked up on the first mix as the bonnet, sunroof and the tailgate are a completely different shade to the rest of the car and they dont know what the problem was with the paint mix, so the bodyshop have had to order a whole new lot and re paint the whole bloody car again to fix the problem, so bang goes the idea of getting it back this week or next week!!! Just what I didn't need I have got so much to do on it before I can even think about getting it back on the road! Looks as though I might have forget about inters now I just dont think it is possible with only 4 weeks to get everything done!! :( :( :( to say I'm pissed off is an understatement!!!

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Cheers for the comments guys it's a bit of a bummer to say the least but they are doing they're best to get it back on the road asap should be next friday as they have 3 blokes working hard on it, they've also had to replace the rear screen as it cracked while it was being shifted around it's one thing after another still they're sorting it out for me but it's knackered my plan of fitting the coilovers and the new brakes tomorrow now it'll have to wait till I get it back whenever that may be! :(

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Well the beast is back at my house now with the mamooth task of fitting everything in time for inters and getting it taxed and insured arrrggghhh sooo much to do :roll: heres some pics of it as it looks today bloody 8) 8) 8) mmm suits you sir!!!

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I will probably be updating regularly this and next week as progress is made as I have taken a few weeks off work :D going to bloody need em too if I'm going to have anything ready for inters! I'll post the pictures of the bumpers and the front pane when I pick em up in the week. Got no room for them here so they're still at the bodyshop all ready and waiting. :)

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