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Banana Man

Toothed Belt Drive

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I ve just fitted a toothed belt drive pulley system to my motor curtesy of Darren at G-Werks ( big thanks Daz :D ) even though the new ones haven't come into stock yet darren let me have the pulleys off his G60 as he is stripping it at the moment so I am very grateful as I can now go up Santa pod on sunday and kick some a*** :D as I now have no belt slip whatsoever :D :D :D it's so much fun and the pulley system has such a distinctive noise it's great :D I cant stop smiling :D :D :D

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well done mate


its a pity not all g owners go for this mod as everyone seems to love it


also kick some a*** at the pod i was thinking of taking my 16v up there to see what times it does but i just cant be arse especially with the weather how it is at the mo



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Having toothed belts & pulleys makes so much sense, you'd think it should have been used years ago.


No stopping you now Ant :)


P.S. Did you get your other little problem with the broken bits sorted?

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Das is gut jah!! Ye.. the pullies should be delivered in the next few weeks.. Been chatting to the CNC company and they tell me that teh majority of the pullies have been made and have to wait for some new tooling to finish the crank pullies. Then they have to go off to be hard anodised, guide rings fitted and then ready for dispatch.

We are looking to sell them in the region of £360-380 with exchange on your original power steering drive pulley as we have to mod them to fit our pullies.

I've ordered 12 sets in this order and they will be dispatched on a 1st come 1st served basis to keep things fair.

Glad ur happy Ant. LOL

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Das ist very good ya!!! :D Have you been to pick up my cooler yet steve :D I'm sure that'll make a huge difference as the old cack intercooler is really struggling now need toget it on asap!!! I have now sorted all the little problems out now Dan so I'm gonna go kick some butt up the pod tomorrow, going to mount the digi camcorder on the dash for a few runs so I will post up the vid on here at some point soon :D Off to bed now goto get up early looks like it's going to be a busy one!!! :D

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I agree with Dan whole heartedly about the use of Toothed belt drive on the G60 engines. So convinced was i about it's importance in the search for performance in my own cars that three years back i set about designing my own system. At this time the only toothed belt system available was of Euopean origin and utilised a squared tooth form like that of a cam belt. These pulleys were known to produce very much shortened belt life because of this tooth form, and therefore were a high maitenance option. To counteract this problem i opted to use the 8mm HTD (High Torque Drive) rounded tooth form, which was not so inclined to shorten belt life and has proven indeed to give good service and reliability, a must for any road car. Clearly not having the manufacturing processes to hand that one would need to take my idea from paper to product i approached a company to enlist their services. A prototype set of pulleys was made and i started down the road of testing these prototypes with various belts and tensioners. These prototypes were made from high grade alloy and were in polised machine finish, they looked great reminicent of the top fuel cars,however it would soon become apparent that this was not hard enough to endure daily use so, i opted to have them hard anodised in a steel grey colour. During the developement i also found that to aleviate the tendancy of the belt to run off the pulleys additional guidance was required. I swapped the OE belt rollers for 8 Valve cambelt tensioners and encorporated retaining rings on some of the pulleys which sorted this problem. Still all the service parts were from the VW source. All told it took a year of developement to come up with the final design that has proven itself to have all the positive attributes i sought , combined with the quality and reliability making it worthy of installing onto any VW G60. It was at this time that i met Liam now of Pitstop Developements and he was keen also to persue toothed belt drive, but this time for the G40 which he owned. I extended to him my design concept and the details of my chosen manufacturer and it was not long before his G40 was accordingly equipped with identical pulleys but altered for the G40. Always a pleasure to help another enthusiast.

I thought that this product would have true potential to sell well to the G60 fraternity and initial signs were good, i sold 12 sets including Two of these to Volkspeed one of which was fitted to their project 20V G60 Rallye the other to a customers Rallye later featured in Performance VW. Despite all the advertising it was clear to me that this product was not quite the mover it should have been, only a handfull of G60 owners recognised it's significance the remainder prefering to fit items that gave immediate returns. To recover my costs i also had to sell this kit at a price which albeit £200 cheaper than the only other alternative was probably just too much for some. I have since decided to shelve this product as part of my past achievment, but still believing that as a product it is instrumental in achieving strong results from any G60 i would rather offer others the opportunity i gave to Liam previously. My chosen manufacturer was Pace Products who are now well known as intercooler and chargecooler manufacturers. Contact these guys and i am sure they will be happy to entertain your business. Clearly they will want to produce multiple sets so a group buy would be the best approach. You should be able to purchase each set for £250 purchasing belts and tensioners elswhere. You will need to ask for production based on my design. I am aware that Darren of G-Werks is in the throws of launching his own product having previously run my pulleys on his G60. I wish him well with the sale of this new line and will be interested to see how these differ from my own design. Hopefully for him the awareness i worked hard to create in the benefits of toothed belt drive will now have soaked in giving his sales a better opportunity.


In the mean time i am proud of this personal achievment and would recomend toothed belt drive to all G60 owners as part of their top ten mods. I will be happy to offer advise or guidance to any who require more info on this subject in particular with adapting toothed belt drive for custom engine install.

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Hello, firstly I would like to clarify where toothed belt drive derived from.

This (h.t.d) concept was originally researched/developed and patented by gates, which has been used for this application.

As mentioned Pace do exclusively manufacture these pulleys on our behalf, further development has be done to overcome previous operation flaws in the earlier kits, the main issue being affordability and tensioning issues.

Benefits of the system are clearly obvious and recognised by the vw tuning scene. This is further illustrated by the 35+ G40 kits already sold worldwide by ourselves due to the affordable retail price and gains achieved.

This kit is now an affordable upgrade that is financially accessible to most g60 owners.


H.t.d is a design used worldwide and is also manufactured by more than one company in lots of different industrial sectors


Thanks from all at g-werks/pit stop

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getting back to the mod...


i know its not really a bhp mod, but what kind of performance increase so i get? is slip a major problem with a modified C at low speed high accel ??



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I run the pitstop pulleys on my G40, and they rule, pure and simple.

Big thanks and big love to the smooth pimp that is Beavis! 8)



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I'm in the position of looking at getting a new head/cam set up for my G60.

If I was to get this toothed belt system,what gains could I expect from fitting it along with a TSR packA head,268deg cam and TSR downpipe?

Could it be fitted on a DIY basis,or are thier some specialist tools involved?

Love the sound of the G40 by the way!

P.S. if anyone has any ideas about other head/cam conversions,or ways of increasing torque/BHP without losing day to day driveability,I'd like to know.

Cheers! 8)

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that sounds 'kin awesome 8)


and remember you have had first hand expirence of these aswell when i gave you that ride to the train station... :lol:

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Darren mate, ive got a big list of things for you to do soon after i come back from Oz - and the toothed belt conversion is high up on that list!! 8)

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...forgot to ask...

As this wouldnt improve the bhp, would it have to be declared on insurance ? not really uprating the engine, just lowering the loss etc etc...


So would it ?

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...forgot to ask...

As this wouldnt improve the bhp, would it have to be declared on insurance ? not really uprating the engine, just lowering the loss etc etc...


So would it ?


all mods should be declared to the insurance company.. then its up to them to decide wether to up your premium or not... :lol:

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Thnx 8vg60

ChrisVR6NOS... i know there wouldnt be a performane increase thats why i said.... "As this wouldnt improve the bhp...." and "i know its not really a bhp mod", was just wondering how much of a problem there was before... and if it had to be declared !


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Andy, no prob mate, however I am interestet as to the origin of said toothed drive systems as mine would really appreciate the reduced tension but you'd need all the pullys involved as well as the belt and as mine is a custom job, is there a company that would offer this kit?





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well daz/gwerks and pitstop are doing them. i doubt there is a company who makes VR6 toothed systems... and you mentioned custom anyway so there would be extra work involved. i'd talk with daz and pitstop and see about getting a kit made up.


if its for a standard VR/vortech setup there might already be a kit now that i think of it... but if not... your kit could be the start to a readily-available toothed drive VR/vortech kit just like the G60 kit is for us G60 guys.

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Pointless crap removed (about 15 posts!).


Please keep threads on topic as much as possible - keep chat to MSN as much as possible please. We don't mind a bit of banter, within moderation.





Edit: More pointless posts removed. Get a room.

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