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Any1 have stripped rear seats and running false floor?

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As above really, After pics to see how it'l look!

be good to hear peoples experiences and opinions too



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There was a really nice blue G60 with D90's, roll cage and merc arm chairs. looked really good with a false floor and a spare d90 stuck in the middle of it.

Anyone know which one i mean?

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saw that one at tatton park a couple of years ago, the lad had just bought it looks lovely apart from that exhaust


merc recaro`s IIRC

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Thts a stunning car! any1 have pics of the silver corrado that was in PVW a while back?im sure that had Porsche GT3 racing seats and was stripped out with a rollcage?

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Thought i would revive this old thread, anyone found any stripped out Rado pics?


Mine is stripped but i dont know whether to clean it up to metal or add a false floor?



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Glad you found this and resurrected the query, as thinking of this myself at the moment, but as more of a weight losing exercise.


Anybody done it or got any pics?



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Supreme, what did you end up doing? :?


Still thinking of doing this, just wondered how hard it is to put a false floor in?

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Its not the prettiest in the world, but its ok. I got carpet from a roll end center, chipboard from b&q and a bit of glue and stuff, all in was £25.



Fits a full bike well, and never have to give people lifts!

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Looks good from the pics mate. :)


Can I pick your brain as you've already done it, got a few questions?


Does your mountain bike fit in one go or do you need to remove the wheel or wheels?


Is your false floor fastened down to anything? And did you keep the spare wheel?


Had the day off work and got this far today:-

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Supreme, what did you end up doing? :?


Still thinking of doing this, just wondered how hard it is to put a false floor in?


My car presently looks like your interior does on your last update!


What i want to achieve is to have a false floor but to remove the carpet on the turrets and relocate all of the "stuff" i can thats attached to the rear turrets into the spare wheel well so i get the contrast of white and black (white car/black interior)


Friend of mine is anal about weight saving and got some good cardboard sheet and trimmed that in fabric as its lighter than chipboard/mdf, wouldnt recommend putting anything on it though!


Iam just concerened at the continuity of the rear doorcards, speaker pods, etc as i dont want it to look like i have just ripped bits out, if that makes sense. e.g. holes for seatbelts in the doorcards clearly visible in all of the above pics would bug me!


I will be taking plenty of pictures at UD of exactly this topic so will be happy to share when i get back.


At the moment my time is focused on how iam ever going to tuck 9.75" wide rear wheels and incorporate the fact they require adapters!



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Jay; bike has to have wheels out, luckily i've got them maxle's in me bike so its nice and easy. if you had normal bolt thru it would prob still be easier to put it on the back. As for spare, it would fit if i had one!! (Not sensible on a daily, but the RAC man likes coming out to work on a more unusual car)

It doesn't need fixing if you get the front to back length right. As you can see, i did mine in 2 parts for ease of construction (also 8x4 sheets aren't wide enough) and they fit such that the back is restrained by the back of the boot and turrets, and the front has tabs that locate on the bit that sticks up before the rear footwell. Fit is snug, it doesn't move at all but if i need to get under it for any reason all i need is a little bit of muscle.



Alex; I'm with you that its not as tidy as it could be, but tbh for me it serves a purpose. The car came with no rear seats and front seats that don't fold, so rears would be ornaments anyway :lol: and as said before, i like putting the bike in it and not worrying about scratching paint with a rack. To this end, its pointless making it really nice and plush as it gets covered in mud anyway



I've had today off and have started on the uprights to go behind the turrets, up to back of boot. These are housing some 6x9's and are carpeted in the same material. I'll get a pic tomorrow.






(PS, my longest post ever)

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Right, as a man of my word, i bring you pictures of the completion of the boot. Speakers in, sounds ok but needs a small amp i think to finish off.












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Looking pretty good that mate. :)


Had been pondering on whether I would need to keep the parcel shelf for my 6x9's. Also got an amp, CD Changer and bass box to shoe-horn in somewhere. So all this is a great help, especially about the tabs to keep it from moving.


Aye, luckily I've got a GT Mountain bike so a quick flick and both wheels are off.


Are the speaker enclosures fastened in or did you make then a snug fit to get round this problem?

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Ben thats some great work there mate, your bike looks pretty nice too!


Iam currently building up an old hard tail ridgeback i have had in pieces for years so i can do the London to Brighton cycle ride with the people from work.


I have always been more of a BMX guy and regularly thrash my Federal out on the streets, dont fancy doing the London to Brighton on a brake-less 20 incher though!

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I've been toying with this idea for a while now as 90% of the time I've got my BMX in the back.


Can be a bit of hassle as I have 6x9s in the parcel shelf so putting the in the sides would be a great idea.


Would like to see how you secured them to the sides :)

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Well I was originally going to use 90 brackets attached to the base and the back of the uprights, then screw down from the top of the parcel shelf supports as the wood fits nicely under the lip under the supports. However, using cardboard to make templates has works really well and once i'd carpeted them i found that if i located the top under the supports and tapped in the bottom with a hammer the flex in the supports pins them in really well. Again, give them a good tug and they'll come out, which i think is ideal if you have a bulb go.


I accept that from an accustic point of veiw they're no good, but then neither is my poop head unit, poop stock wiring and poop front speakers :lol:


Supreme; BMX, slicks, 100psi in the tyres and no brakes = london to brighton in no time!

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It will handle way differently with no weight there, more twitchy, i had mine stripped out for santa pod and left it like that for a while, put all my audio and rear seats back in as it was doing my head in although i never adjusted the suspension to compensate for the increased ride height, it was definately a little more responsive on the throttle but not massively.

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i took my seats out today, welt to B&Q and got wood for false floor.

ordering a rear strut brace as i type.

and thinking of harneses but not sure..

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Am in the middle of this at the moment. :)


Stripped out seats, ice, spare wheel, etc. But ended up putting the spare wheel back in, as completely empty the rear stuck up and the car looked odd with the bigger clearance around the rear wheel arches, (C is lowered on 16" rims). :(


Would probably make a difference to the fuel consumption if the stripped out race feel didn't encourage you to use the right foot so much and as previous post, it did feel a bit skittish at the back.


I am compromising and leaving the rear seats out with a false floor to cover up the spare wheel and some of the ice.

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after 3 hours of work today i got to this..



managaed to keep my amp for 4 speakers, got rid of everything else and tidied some of the wires up aswell.

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