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Calling all Passat Moonroof owners

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I recently installed a Passat Moonroof, during the fitting process it didn't seem possible to fit the Corrado's interior roof panel to the Passat mechanism so I used the manually sliding Passat one. It all works very well except I'm getting drips down the back of my neck the first time I put the brakes on every day. basically water is laying on the back of the interior panel. Before anyone says it, Yes, the drains are clear. I notice on the back of the Corrado interior panel there is a channel running left to right that drains water into the mechanism channels when water leaks past the exterior seal at the rear of the roof, I'm not sure yet if the Passat one has that.


What have you guys used, interior panel wise, Corrado, Passat or junked it altogether. Anyone else getting dripped on?

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I used the passat estate moon roof, best fit for the rado, but also hardest to find in my past experience. Complete unit including panel fitted as a replacement piece. Also used elec version

I have no trouble with leaks. but i know the roof can be adjusted.

First make sure the whole frame is correctly fittedso that the moonroof sits dead centre to the rados sunroof hole.

then if you still have probs it may need slight adjusting either using spacers or turning some bolts on the roofs mech.

do a search about adjustments

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I used a passat estate roof in J-DUB and a saloon passat one in H-YYU... neither has any problems with leaks and both used the complete Passat mechanism sliding cover and all...


sounds to me like there's a problem with the drains on the roof you've fitted... there shouldn't be any puddles of water sitting on the mechanism, even in heavy rain as that's what the 4 drains are there for!

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The water isn't laying in the mechanism. Its on top of the interior panel. The drains are clear. Water will always come through the outer seal, on the Corrado setup its falls through and onto the channel on the interior panel and into the mechanism channels and into the drains. The Corrado setup, because the interior panel moves with the exterior panel is always lined up to drain correctly. However the Passat roof, because the interior panel slides independantly can end up in a position whereby water that comes in through the rear of the exterior seal will land on top of the interior panel. Maybe if I shut the interior panel every time I stop it will drain correctly. Thoughts?

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Might be a really stupid suggestion but it's not condensation is it? :oops:


I don't think so, my car is dusty dry as a rule. Its not a great deal of water, maybe a couple of teaspoons. Always after rain....

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strange... the mechanism should have a surround around the edges so that any water which leaks in past the seal (I know it's not really a seal, but I can't think what else to call it! ;) ) lands on the surround and not directly onto the interior blind... It sounds to me like you may have a damaged mechanism or a part missing? :|

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strange... the mechanism should have a surround around the edges so that any water which leaks in past the seal (I know it's not really a seal, but I can't think what else to call it! ;) ) lands on the surround and not directly onto the interior blind... It sounds to me like you may have a damaged mechanism or a part missing? :|


This is good Henny, you're starting to see what I mean. I have the channel in the mechanism, that's fine and present so that anything leaking past the 'seal' drains away. On a normal Corrado mechaism this works fine on the front part of the 'seal' and the side part of the 'seal'. However there is no channel at the rear of the seal. Water falls past the 'seal' onto the top of the interior panel. This panel has a channel in it which then drains into the side channels of the mechanism. If a Corrado never had an interior panel then water would leak through the rear of the seal every time. You have to have the interior panel in place in order to avoid leaks.

If you imagine a bare mechanism, viewed from above, the channel is U shaped (ie it only drains the front and sides, not the rear. The rear relies on the interior panel to drain water sideways. I think my Passat interior panel may not have the required channel.

I think I might need to get the camera out!

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I'll have a look at my moonroof tonight when I pop up to my parents to do some work on the 'ssat and see if I can see anything obvious that'd cause your problem... 8)

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Ok after some searching i'm resurrecting an old thread, been trying to fit my Passat Moonroof this afternoon, stripped all the bits & bobs (visors , seat belts etc), got the A.B & C pillar trims off ok and managed to remove the old roof without too much trouble!


Got the moonroof in an bolted up but there's a slight gap 0.5-1mm between the seal around the edge at the back and the roof, tested it with a watering can before i put my trim back in & went for spin round the block and had water dripping from several points, like Andy i've checked the gutters are clear etc and am inclined to think its just down to fitment. I remember reading once in an old thread that you had to pack / space some of the bolts with washers to get the roof lined up properly, has anyone else done this? Also is it worth cutting off the 2 locating lugs so i can get some more play out of the roof. The leaks just pissing me off though as otherwise it looks great!

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I went to a scrap yard, saw a passat estate, took the whole mechanism out, and fitted it straight into my car, didnt even touch the glass or motor or anything, it was a straight swap and i have had no problems with it what so ever!


heres mine...








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think mine came from a Passat saloon but i did drop the whole unit in bar the motor which i had to switch for my old Rado one as the Passat one did'nt have the right connections for the power etc (mines an early VR).

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I went to a scrap yard, saw a passat estate, took the whole mechanism out, and fitted it straight into my car, didnt even touch the glass or motor or anything, it was a straight swap and i have had no problems with it what so ever!


what year was the estate that your Moonroof can from Neil if you don't mind me asking? i'm not too happy with try to bodge the install of this one so might just ditch it and go hunting again for one from an estate. Did contemplate getting a new seal for it but think this might be just throwing good money after bad. Shame cause other than the slight leak does look the dogs.

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i cant remember sorry, but i do know that it had the WRONG rear door handle to do the delocked mod on the corrado if that helps?

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I did the moonroof swap a few years ago on a corrado I've now sold so can't provide you with pics I'm afraid.

But there most definately was a rear drip channel.


I remember it because it was an almost separate piece which clipped in to the mechanism above the sunscreen. On mine, the clips were a bit knackered and I was concerned it might not stay in place. Basically it was the full width of the sunroof and sat (when closed) just under the rearmost edge. It allowed water to drip through then diverted the water sideways into the side channels.


You could only ever see it (I think) when you tilted the sunroof and looked down the gap from the outside.


Perhaps yours has gone AWOL at some point and it wasn't a problem in the Passat because the seal fitted better? Looked alot like the piece circled in red below.


EDIT - in fact if I remember correctly, the second picture below shows the long clip tabs which hold the rear drip tray in place. The underside of the arms have kindof felt covering to prevent rattling.

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