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Saint Tricky

Washer Jets on Wipers?

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Into my 1st week of owning a C, 92 G60 if it helps.

2 things really bug me, the lights and the wipers.

Did a search and found out about the uprated loom, and the Lupo Gti wipers.

But, seeing as I don't have any washer jets on my bonnet, I was wondering if anyone knows how to fit some on the wiper blades themselves?

I know the storm single wipers do a kit for it but haven't seen one in the flesh and haven't seen it done for a pair either.



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Think Flusted has those sort of wipers so should be able to give some good advice!


those are 2 mods that are pretty much essential especially now the darker mornings and evening are approaching! you will be amazed at the difference the uprated loom makes!

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I just did a search on fleabay for the storm wipers and found these.


Looks just like what I'm after.

Now to get me some Gti wipers.

Slinks over to the group buy section in the hope there is one on these. :)



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you can use the jet washer part off a merc sprinter van they just clip on an off the merc blades would just be a matter of attapting them to the c

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There is a group buy on Lupo wipers ;) 8)


where's that?


I can't find it :(

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Hello tricky! What C have you got? I spend a lot of time in Farnham so may have seen you about...

Just bought the blue G60 as owned and sold by G60 TBA, and JT.

JT just pipped me to the post but I got it in the end. :D

I've only been around the town centre twice in it as I've got to raise it up a bit coz the front spoiler just loves to scrape the tarmac on our shoddy roads. :(


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