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Jim Bowen

opinions on cleaning routine/products

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am sticking with megs as most of the stuff i have is megs, not sure if what i'm planning is correct.


-Gold class Shampoo/conditioner

-Clay bar and detailer

-megs stage 1 deep crystal cleaner

-scratch x

-megs stage 2 deep crystal polish

-megs gold class paste wax


is that the right order? am unsure about the paint cleanse, polish and scratch x? what order is that meant to be done?

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thats why i ask, because i'm getting mixed views on that, some say what you say, and others say clean then the scratch x :boggle:

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Would the best route be (long term)










(Repeat until Scratches removed)




Stage 1

Stage 2




Stage 1

Stage 2


Repeat a few times


Then Shampoo,


Stage 1

Stage 2

Gold class wax








Or is there too much claybar action going on?

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Aye,way more clay than needed there m8. :)

Should only need to do the whole car a maximum 2 times if its in need of it.

The routine above is fine apart from that and that you should just concentrate on polishing/waxing over a small period.

But with the weather how it is now,its a good idea to have a break from it and get a good wax on there.

And then continue the routine when the weather comes good. :)


thats why i ask, because i'm getting mixed views on that, some say what you say, and others say clean then the scratch x :boggle:


They are wrong m8 :)


Scratch-x is a diminishing abrasive...so there is no point in using a paint cleaner first.The scratch-x will remove light scratches/light contaminants.

A paint cleaner will work best on a smooth/prepped surface that has been scratch-x'd...


If you use the paint cleaner first,it will just make the scratch-x hard to remove...and then you would be using a polish straight after the scratch-x which is wrong.


The paint cleaner preps for polish. :)

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Edit:ahhh,im too slow today :oops:


well the person who told me is from Meguiars. am confused now :lol:


Pen pusher? :lol: only joking!


Why attempt to clean rough paint >>>> ¬_¬_¬_¬_¬ only to go over it with a diminishing abrasive afterwards?


slightly embarrasing diagram :oops: :lol:







And then a cleaner to remove contaminants and prep for polish.

Think of it like wet sanding...You wouldn't use metal polish on a rough surface,you would use finer and finer paper before cleaning/polishing. :)



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Sorry m8,i posted the above 'technical/scientific diagrams' before i saw your reply :oops:


I do know a little bit...i was valeting professionally at 16/17...and im now a young? :( but experienced :lol: 27.


Everybody has there own idea's/techniques though...would be a boring world otherwise.


Neil. :D

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Out of interest, as it's going to be a long time until I can work over the car properly again, but what should you do when wanting to go back to the very beginning of the routine after the car has been waxed?


There's a few blemishes on mine, and I'd like to clay bar and scratch X it when spring comes round again, but I don't see the point if there's a layer of wax and polish all over the car.


Should I run over it with Megs paint cleaner first?

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Guys,dont think of it as so much a 'layer' of wax on there...its very miniscule but its the paint that is treated and fed too...


You will be fine to just wash the car,and start your routine straight away,whether its starting with something like scratch-x,a paint cleaner,or a polish.


Its always best to use the chosen product a good few times,it wont take much to remove most of the wax (one or two full good goings over) as these products are strong/mildly abrasive 'cleaners' and 'polishes' compared to wax.


This dosn't mean that wax is crap though! as its not made to protect from some nutter enthusiast rubbing cleaners/polishes over it :D


Neil. :)

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No worries Tom,i cant wait to start scratch-x'ing :lol: again! Gonna really concentrate on the bonnet/roof/door shuts for starters. :D



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Yeah, I am too now, hopefully this summer I'll have a bit more time for doing stuff like that, and i'll be able to bring the paintwork back up to scratch.


It kinda makes me sad when I think how smart my car was 2 years ago when I got it, and what it's like now, with random scratches and chips all over it.


I took the wax chip stick off an old turtle wax bottle to some of the chips when I waxed it at the weekend, which has made it a fair bit better, but theres still plenty of marks.


The interior is pretty bad too, the one black cloth seat and the rest of the grey interior don't help really, but i suppose it could be far worse.... It is a daily driver after all, and I used to work on farms and get in it covered in sh!te, so it's survived pretty well

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