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Wankers stole my badges..

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I'm so upset. Some little scrotum has taken the "supercharged" and "G60" badges off my car. It's nekkid now, poor little thing. I hope whoever it was wakes up with a crotch full of pustulous boils.


What the hell will they do with them anyway? Put them in their wank encrusted bedrooms? On a different car? It's so crap.


Can I get new ones? Has anyone else had this happen?

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I dont know about G60, but some badges like the front "VR6", rear "Corrado" and "Storm" are not available from VW, I believe.

They can go for up to 30-100 squids on peepay.

I use old or replica badges for day to day use and keep the extinct ones in the house.

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Trimsport do the badges so don't worry too much...


PITA though! I'd go mad if anything got nicked off my C... a mate at work had his alloys on his mk5 Golf coloured in with a spray can the other night where he lives - little sh1ts :mad:

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You could also try GPC. They list a G60 grille badge on their site for £5.50, not sure if they'd have any of the other ones though.

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Yep, still got the wheels, a few people have asked me where I got them, I fear they may have a couple of kerb scuffs on them that weren't there before though, dunno how that could have happened! They look great though especially when I clean them up.


I was so sorrowful for my car, the thought of someone taking the badges with a screwdriver, makes me so angry. Mainly because it shows no respect for the car, just ignorance.


Not sure whether to replace the badges or not - what should I do with the paint scar that's left? looks sad. No, I will replace them, but for the meantime?

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Go hunting for the scrotes that did it??


All you need is a snooker ball and a sock and i'm sure you'll get them back.


No, being serious. Like craigowl, I have taken all mine off as they are ridiculous money to replace.


And it leaves people wondering what just spanked them off the lights

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