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lorry just drove into my C (GONING TO FIX HER!!)

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Mate, gutted for you. Hope you do get it back on the road. Don't let this move you out of the 'rado fraternity!

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at the moment i am sit here trying to work out what to do next , the 3rd party insurance have not contaced me yet, i am going to phone the boss of the drivers in the lory for the 2nd time see if he has put in the claim, or shood i just get my insurance to take it over , my insurance like to scrape cars and your neva see it or know where it went.

so sit and wait? or phone my insurance what to do?


i hate, this makes me not want to own a car at all................



A Sad Deluk

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You are going to have to inform your insurer at some point so at least if you do it soon then they can take over and sort it all out for you (hopefully).

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about 27 mpg then? to 30, 32 grandad mode


Yeah easy mate, if you drive sensible especially long distance you can average over 30mpg every day of the week. But if you drive it like you nicked it you will be lucky to see 20 :D Im 20 and have a vr as an every day driver and i had a nice economical 1.6 fiesta before and its only costing me about £10-£15 a week more in petrol and tax etc isnt much more. Only thing that was a lot more for me though was insurance being 20 but meh who cares :lol:


Sorry to hear about your car though mate, im sure you could buy it back dirt cheap off the insurance and get it fixed up for less than buying a new one. Good luck with it.



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yeah man i used to have a 1.1 mk1 fiesta 5 quid a week dirve as far as you like , but then petrol was only 40pL yes 40 P


got hold of the guy at the bin lory place he has put in the cliam just got to phone this other guy now at head office ffs why am i doing the running around

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right took the rado around me dads had a look see if there any skuffing on the wheel arch thers none and i can get the door open ok , we had a look at the driver front wheel bushes and bit of bars and all look ok and she drives the same as before ,so i am using her for work and waiting for a 3rd party pay out think i might push it a bit for puting me out and stress of having my car damaged.

what do you rec for a minter 2.0valver 2500?? i know this is a push but i am going to try it on big time if i get 2 k i can get it fixed and do mods like a new paint job .

have to wait and see............


at least i can still drive it ,I hope the cops dont pull me

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