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hi iv had a corrado for just over a year now and am seriously concidering getting a tow truck as a second ride :wink: as i got in it this morrning i caught the clutch pedal . which then flopped to the floor and didn,t come back up :mad: all was fine last night as i pulled it into the garage / its showed no sign of clutch related problems leading up to this/ i cant see any fluid leak on the floor under it/ i did find that the brake fluid resivoir was below min. which i have topped up / and last night was the first frost/ .................. any idears to cause and solution would be welcome

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Has to be either the master or slave clutch cylinders. AFAIK all Corrados have hydraulic clutches, so you're looking in the right places.

Though there's always a possibility that the clutch return springs are gone, that's very unusual so you definitely wanna be looking at the hydraulics first.

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hi ............ thanks for the reply to my clutch problem . i am certain that i have a hydrolic leak now as pushing the car out of the garage revealed a pool of hydrolic fluid { quite near the pool of oil thats a regular feature} my corrado is a 1991 16v { i failed to point this out befor} vi checked the master cylinder which seems ok . but was unaware that there was a slave cylinder so will look into that ..........cheers

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right i found the problem it was the slave cylinder on top of the gear box. so i changed that for new also replaced flexy hose and anti vibration coil as could not get it off the old slave. looks like i need a kit to pressure the hydrolic system now as pumping the clutch pedal does not get pressure up .............. been around all the usual suspects { hallford, independent motor factors and such } but no one seems to sell a kit to pressure a hydrolic system.............. does anyone have any idears . or am i just doing it wrong

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fixed my corrado. cheers for all the help. my corrado is a 1991 16v on removing the slave cylinder i noyiced that the seal on the unit was in p@ss poor condition and as hydrolic systems often show no sign of a problem leading up to compleat failiure. i would recomend that owners of similar ahe corrados check the slave cylinder . it will be obviouse if its a old unit and may require replacing

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spooky this exact same thing happened to me this morning (its off the road again :x )


think the first thing ill check is the slave cylinder seals :D

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slave that i took out was wasted ,, don,t forget to to remove the gear change/select rod mounting on top of gear box first as it stops you from removing the front bolt of the slave... { you only find this out when you have wound most of the bolt out and then run out of room and have to wind it all back in again cursing as you do }

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Its been a while since I was last posting on the forums, my cars been off road for a few months now and one of the problems has been the slave cyclinder which needs replacing I've bought the part but not sure where it goes on the gearbox, anyone here have a pic of one?

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Thanks DiTch, ordered a new slave this morning :D


I wont be doing this until the weekend but ill post some pics then if no one else does before

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nice work fella,..... know what you mean by.... "completey gone" .... as mine came out in bits , hope all went well for sanj as he was doing same (oppo) today

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Steve, thats fantastic mate, cheers for the pic. Just to let you guys know I never did get round to doing the job because it was raining all day. However I really do want to get this done asap. Once again cheers for the pic fella.

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