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Car covers?

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There are good and bad points to car covers, consider both before buying one:


Good: Car gets protected from the worst of the weather, the windows will not be iced up in the morning and strangely enough your car will be more secure as people cannot see what it is.


Bad: You can only really put a cover on a clean/dry car, imagine the mess you make of the paintwork dragging the cover and grit over your car every night/morning if you don't have an assistant, where do you put the cold/wet cover once you've removed it in the morning? And every windy night you'll be checking if it's still there!


I've had a cover for the Corrado for years, at my old house we had no drive or garage and experienced all the worst bits, since we moved and have loads of garage the C lives under a cover at the moment as it's a long way from being a runner and it keeps the dust off if I'm not working on it.

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I've been considering one myself especially as I'm about to rehome it at my girlfriends folks place so will only get to play with it once a week at the most over the winter...


My concern is how breathable are they as I'd hate to end up with more rust and damaged paint from trapping moisure under the cover which IMO is unavoidable :?

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If this car is your daily driver its prob more grief than its worth, but, the air near the coast is quite corrosive, and as your in Devon any blocking of the wind etc will help the paintwork.

Tonedef makes good points

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I might just build some sort of shelter for mine.. only problem is if it stays up!


Last thing you want is it coming down on your car!


Either that, or you'll get squatters! :lol:

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Yep, I'm in the same position, cover or no cover?


Live close enough to walk to work so car only gets used a few times a week.


Previously owned a Capri and heard some real horror stories with keeping the car covered from other owners. Although old fords rust even if there is just a cloud in the sky.


    Waterproof covers protect the car from the rain, but also trap moisture underneath at this time of year, so your car ends up rotting anyway.
    Breathable covers allow air to circulate around your car so you don't end up with trapped moisture, but they are then not fully waterproof.


So its a bit damned if you do and damned if you don't.


There was a company at the VW Festival selling ones for VW's including Corrado's, if anyone picked one of their leaflets up? The other option is to look through any of the Classic car mags as there is usually loads of different styles and types in the back pages, from covers to vacum sealed bubbles?!!

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I recently bought one of the mediun Du Pont Tyvek covers from halfords when they where on a half price promotion as i needed something to use when i was working abroad, its a perfect fit and doesnt flap in the wind at all, but all of the covers that actually touch the car all warn against use in freezing conditions even the really expensive ones from the motorshow.


i allways wash the the car thouroughly before i fit the cover and so far it hasnt scratched it at all, the tyvek ones are also breathable, and seem to do a very good job at keeping the car dry.


years ago my father used to have a car cover that was made from about 10 steel hoops that had a canvas cover attached to them, you just drove the car up to it when it was collapsed and then just lifted it up and over the car like a big shell, have never seen another cover like it but it worked superbly until it was nicked by gypo's.

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