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Charging problems

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Only fourth post and problems already!!


Had a flat battery (interior light on!) so jumped the car from our daily and took it out for a drive to get some charge 5 - 10 miles and when I got back the battery had about a minutes life in it until it was completely flat.

Think it could be an alternator problem but wanted to check for any other ideas before i buy a new alternator!


Any suggestions what to check would be great help



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How about doing some basic tests with a multimeter (£4 in maplins) before you spend £100 on a an alternator?


Engine running:

- 13-14V across the battery terminals means your alternator is fine.


Engine stopped:

- 12.6V across the battery terminals means your battery is fine (and fully charged).

- less than 11.75V across the battery terminals means your battery is fully discharged

- less than 11V means you have dry/dead cells - time to replace the battery

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Aye 8)


May just be £10 quids worth of voltage regulator on the alternator...available from gsf or vw (bit more cash).


ps:to add to the above post,you want around 13.8v from the red lead on the alternator...much less and its a sign of a dead voltage regulator.



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