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Crazy Daves Bog Standard 16v :)

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It doesn't work mate, and frankly its unjustifiable.


I've yet to hear a convincing argument why your no claims bonus can't apply to multiple cars.. as you quite rightly say, you can only drive one of the sodding things at a time!


Have you tried calling HIC? They're very good for modded Corrado's and also do deals on multiple car policies... they helped me out this year with insurance as I was getting ludicrous prices despite my excellent circumstances for insurance.

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Nice 16v there Dave! Kept that one quiet ;) I'd love to have a totally standard, well kept 16v as a daily hack 8)


The insurance is an absolute joke! As Jim says, HIC are supposed to be good. Admiral do the multicar thing too.

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I need to give John @ Brentacre a ring. They sorted out the VRT, so I guess the dual policy will need to come from them.


But as always, it's best to shop around so I'll give the other suggestions a go, cheers.


It's hardly been touched under the bonnet. Every clip and cable as it came out of the factory, very unusual to see on a 17year old, 140k motor. When it's had a bit of a clean, I'll get some pics up.

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Right, baby valver went for an MOT on Saturday and failed. Handbrake insuffient! Not bad for a 17 year old motor. So I checked the rear brake calipers and both are adjusting OK and hold the rear wheels fine? The only thing I could find was the cables needed a bit of adjustment. So I did that and found 25p under the drivers seat! Even more of a bargain.


VR had a good clean today, ready for the classic motor show Friday. Did under all the arches and inside the wheels etc. Looking much better. Still leaking oil everywhere, looks like one of the oil pressure switches. DOH. I'll need to get that sorted before Thursday. Not an easy job though, looks like a front off job :(

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You can change the pressure switches on the filter housing by taking the offside headlight out. Sure it's not the turbo oil feed? Mine was leaking like a good un too, until I applied Mr Spanner to it.


"Insufficient handbrake". Nothing you can do about that. My Corrado gets the same comment every year and it has MK4 calipers and pads all properly adjusted. Golf/Corrado brakes always have been completely schitt!

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Oil pressure switch sorted last night, in the dark! Not easy, but some super long thin socket extensions did the job. Fed the extensions down between runners 3 & 4 of the manifold. Was definately the brown switch, the rubber boot was full of oil :) Good idea about the headlight Kev, why didn't I think of that last night!


I also fitted some new boost hoses to the diverter valve. Custom made to measure stuff from http://www.goodflexrubber.moonfruit.com/


Feels like one of the handbrake cables died this morning, must have been all this stick they gave it at the MOT. New cables it is then.

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I also fitted some new boost hoses to the diverter valve. Custom made to measure stuff from http://www.goodflexrubber.moonfruit.com/


they could be really useful, what sort of price are you looking at for one off hoses to order?


strangest marketing phrase I've seen for a while: 'Elastomers to meet your expectations' :lol:

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I replaced the cables on my valver and they made a huge difference Dave. Best done on a ramp though, and get some of the stainless clip things for the rear axle, they're a right pain to remove.


Think the cables are around £8 each or so.


Mine seixed into the metal guide tubes and I needed to melt the plastic with a blow gun and clean the tube up after, also get an assistant to guide it up through the floor from inside or you might punch a hole through your carpet :?


The classic car show looks a good laugh, shame I can't pop up.

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Just read this whole thread! I have to say Im very impressed with your level of knowledge Dave, much respect for doing it all yourself.


Ill be picking your brains at the next worcester meet!



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The valver is fully standard, a bit boring I know. It's great for the boring trudge to work every weekday, sitting in traffic etc. The VRT feels a bit of a waste for that kind of thing, although I think the VRT and the valver are pretty even on fuel economy. Thought the valver would be better than it is...


I might MegaSquirt it.... to get a bit more power and improve the economy a bit. And it really needs the headlights relaying cos they are really shocking. The lights go out fully for about a second when going from dip to main beam! Just like candles for the rest of the time :lol:


Hopefully will get to have a look at Pauls valver on bike throttle bodies, I might change my mind when I hear it :D

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Gotta say, you got a real bargain with the valver- lovely, standard car. The wheels will look superb after the refurb.


And as for the VR... wow! It drives like it was built in the factory- work of genius 8)

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Thanks Andy! Thought you'd enjoyed yourself... could tell by the grin from ear to ear :lol:


Must get my brakes sorted though, still not good enough. Very impressed with the ride and handling in your VR, trouble is that means more cash to spend on mine, DOH!

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Updates then!


I finally managed to get around to start sorting out the rear beam bushes on the VR today. It's one of those jobs thats been hanging around for months and months but I never quite get around to sorting it out.


Decided to drop the whole beam off (bushes can be done without dropping the beam off, but I wanted to have a good fettle whilst underneath). Removed all the rear discs, calipers, carriers, stub axles, brake pipes and all the bits of plastic that the ABS cables / pipes clip to.


The OS caliper frame had one bolt that rounded out :( Bit of a bar steward to get off on the car, so I dropped the beam off and then ground a large slot across the head of the allen pin and could then lever it free with a large screwdriver.


Going to paint the calipers, carriers, beam, mounting brackets etc so they look nice and fresh. And have a good clean up underneath whilst everything is off.


The tank straps are in a right old state, all rusty? So those are going to get a good rub down and a few coats of paint.


I'll be a lot happier when all the bits have been removed and refitted, as pretty much all of the rear end has never been apart since the car was built, so it's all a bit of a struggle to get the old bolts out.


Is it just my car or does everybody have trouble getting anything under the car undone for the first time?

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It's not just your motor mate. Ask 2cc and Tempest about some of the jobs they've done on my car! Most jobs are met with corroded bolts, or siezed bits and pieces!

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There is not one bolt on my VR that has not been covered in copper grease to stop them seizing back up ! but they were all bastards to get out even with air tools! :lol:

The joys of corrado ownership! :lol:



How is your crazybox coming on dave?

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I've had older cars for most of my driving life, but for some reason, this the Corrado is much worse than the MK1 Golfs etc that I've had in the past. And they were all 20 years+ old not 12?


Maybe it is a Corrado thing, first time I've owned a Karmann built VW. Don't get me wrong, they're very well made, up with the best from Germany (I had a Spannish built Polo for a while and that was rubbish by comparison).


I couldn't get the rear seat squab out on the passenger side, the wax flooding had stuck it to the floor!!


EDIT: The CrazyFilter is going a bit slow at the minute (too much working away during the week). When things settle down I'll get it finished. The prototype works great, I went for a good drive out to Shrewsbury the other week and it ran perfect. It's so quick down small B roads, pretty scary how quick it is out on the road, the mid range is awesome.


How much more have you got to do James. I'll pick up the pace a bit if your getting close to finishing?

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My old valver seems better for things being seized than the late vr. Dunno if quality changed at some point?


Looks like a lot of people are doing the rear axle at the moment. I need to do mine really. How's the valver going then Dave??

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It'll be worth it once it's all back together. Nasty job though- well done! Gonna get the garage to do my rear beam bushes. Wouldn't mind getting the beam shot blasted and powder coated too, as it's coming off. Will have to speak to them.


Any pics of the progress?

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Thanks for the replies all.


Cazza, we have shot blasting booth at work, but its only a little thing (Having said that the front panel when in so maybe the beam will?). We have an aqua blast machine (otherwise known as the green monster! Cos it's big and green and has a nasty habit of springing a leak down your leg when using it) which is a bit bigger so I'll see if it'll go in that. If you can get the beam off and bring it over I could blast it pending if it'll fit in :)


I'll get some pics up later today. It's -3.5degrees at the mo!


Toad , not had done much with the valver as yet (although that needs bushes all round really), still running great, if a little thristy even compared to a VRT!!!! It's been sat a work for the last 2-3 weeks cos I've been on site in a pool car (Ford Mundain). Think I'll drop the jump leads into the boot before I swap back again, the battery might be flat :( Been toying with the idea of fuel injection throttle bodies and MegaSquirt :D . And I did have this idea of taking the engine out completely and making it electric 8) but don't think milkfloat, cos that wouldn't be me know would it. Resist, must resist the temptation to mod....


James, getting pretty close then. Your taking it nice and easy pace is like my flat out in a hurry :D . Even if I have to make another prototype I'll have something for you :D

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