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what C to get next????

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ok so its 2.0 16v , g60 standard or modded , or vr6 .


I drive 60 miles a day and a C makes it a fun drive , and I am getting a pay rise :) and a new parking space to fix it in. I am sill in to 16v cus i knw how to fix em , i real like the g60 sound and the vr6 .


What to get?



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ok so its 2.0 16v , g60 standard or modded , or vr6 .


I drive 60 miles a day and a C makes it a fun drive , and I am getting a pay rise :) and a new parking space to fix it in. I am sill in to 16v cus i knw how to fix em , i real like the g60 sound and the vr6 .


What to get?




I was driving a 16v, and then changed to a G60 when i started doing higher miles. for the journey i was doing i found the G more economical as you had power at lower revs.. also overtaking was much easier!


mines been bulletproof *finds wood to touch* and ive had to spend very little on the engine, except for things ive wanted to.

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Also worth mentioning that both of the VR's on our Germany / Nurburgring trip averaged better MPG overall than I did on the long drives.. I was getting no better than about 33MPG and they were doing up to 37MPG.


VR is the one to own really. If you have a chance to get one now, go for it. It does have to be said though that most of the silly / expensive problems remain the domain of the VR6 over the others. The G60 is fairly safe provided the charger is healthy and as you know the 16v isn't expensive to fix on the rare occasions it does break.


I'd personally go for the VR.

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Yup. Really.. once you've enjoyed the soundtrack from the VR, you won't want to own anything else.


Stick a good quality induction kit on it (like a BMC jobbie) and it sounds amazing.

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I've owned both valvers and have a G60, love the G60 for the fun factor and outrageous noise but a VR still appeals, both valvers were great fun too, really depends what you want.....so i suppose i haven't helped!!

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Hi mate,


Currently have a 16v, have owned a V6 engined car in the past.


All depends what your needs are?


From my expeience most things on the valver can be DIY, and seem to be relativeley inexpensive. Where as V6 is physically harder to work on as there is less room in the bay, also parts seem to be more pricey as well.


However there is a lot more driving satisfaction with the V6, as the 16v cannot compete with the torque and its silky smooth delivery.


Must admit there seems to be a real glut of VR6s lately at very favourable prices though

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G60 for me, TBH, as it nicely sits inbetween the VR6 (yes, it might have more power et al as standard, but it is a pig to work on, looking at that overful engine bay, where you'll be lucky to get any tools into, without lifting the engine out / dropping gearbox etc.) and the G60 (has a lovely note from the charger, too, and is still based on bomb-proof 8V technology; as long as you don't go for a US-spec one with all sorts of toys on-board, they're almost as easy to work on as your 16V).


Mileage wise, although I guided the 2 VRs and 3 valvers on the trip through Germany in my G60, I didn't pay any attention to the mileage :oops: Generally, I seem to get around the 35 mpg on motorways. Depends on how you drive, too.



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The VR is the easiest engine to work on and it has no cam belts to change,no chargers to overhaul.

The inlet manifold makes the motor look massive but its not.

The chains are not a big job at all,dropping the box out is the hardest part(so people say) and then you wont have to touch the motor for a good 100k plus.


Vr all the way for me,plus there are plenty of add on performance parts to be added for more power at a later date which are looking more affordable as time goes on.


Even with my current set-up i can (if i try) get 30 mpg +

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will it wake the hole street when i start it at 5am :) .


whats the price range of the Vr's i have seen one for 3k or 3.5k cant rember?


30 mpg about what i get in my 16v

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They're actually really quiet and refined until you boot it- then it sounds amazing!


They seem to be going for £2K upwards at the mo. Prob worth spending at least £3K to get a decent one.

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another one of these threads :D


VR please :).


economy is very good, and is a dream to drive :)v

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Hey Deluk

Have had 2 1.8 16v and still have one, i have 1 2.0 16v and a vr6. vr6 is the only way to go, but make damn sure the engine is good. It can be expensive as I am finding out, but there again the car was cheap. Hold out for the right one, it will be worth it.


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Sounds to me like the VR6 is your only choice. As for fuel economy, my valver is shocking. I get around 180miles for £30, looking at about 22mpg around town, which isn't funny.


I've been weighing up options for my next car (i like to plan ahead), looking at a decent VR6 Rado for around £5k, or a Seat Ibiza for around £6k, wounder which one will win!

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I get 30mpg out of my cam'd G60 going between Gloucester and Swindon, and that's with typical duel-carriage way :-) speeds and then town traffic at each end. I can only compare mod'd G60 with a standard VR6 that I drove, but I found the VR6 to be more relaxed when not in the mood but can turn nutty when needed.

.... arse, I don't want to say it, but for 60 work miles a day look at VR6's first.

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thx for the replys , more and more i think about it VR is the way to go , i dont get stuck in trafic much , and need overtaking power to overtake lorrys on the A420.


LJ yeah got to waich out for them speed cams on the A419 neerer swindon nice road too , dont tell me you work in Honda :)

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LJ yeah got to waich out for them speed cams on the A419 neerer swindon nice road too , dont tell me you work in Honda :)


Poxy cameras! So far so good, but it's so enticing to open her up on those long "Roman road" straights! I know where they all hide, so I just slow down accordingly :-)

Nope not Honda. I work for a now small company called Lucent, that used to be AT&T, and will soon become Alcatel Lucent. I just spend my day hacking software.

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