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barstewards trying to shaft us



The government’s proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.


The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver.


A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.


On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect an NIP with your monthly bill.


If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website

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Oh for the love of god!!


Does the Government really think that people will allow this to happen? If the entire country turns around and tells them to stick the idea up their arse what exactly are they going to do about it?


I don't think anything like this will ever happen, because its been talked about for years, but if it does ever come into power i WILL be leaving the country!

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Rodder's on the x-files? ;)


conspiracy theories etc.


really can't see this ever being introduced or enforced mate, and if it was I doubt they'd listen to a internet vote.


it's more likely a way for them to grab your email address, and check who's living where for benefit fraud though!



where's the petition to stop these aliens gang probing me?

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lmao, ill sign my ass if you want, these fucking things saying, sign up now or you will not meet the love of your life, PATHETIC!

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FFS...........you'll no doubt be the first to complain if they do get the go-ahead......besides I bet most Londoners laughed at the thought of having to pay to drive into the City of London when they came up with the CC

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hi down! :lol: (sorry)



I see your point Rodders, but I don't think it was a case of stick a petition on the inet, and if not too many peeps disagree that stuck the CC in.


if this idea came to pass people would simply remove the trackers and leave them on their drives.


People wouldn't pay for one either.


I can't see this happening

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I work for a company that manufacture satalite tracking systems mainly used for global sea shipping and container freight, as well as armed and security service tracking and panic alert systems, i really cant see this ever happening its just yet another government pie in the sky idea that will never happen, especially as the public would not allow it, i know i would'nt.


there are far too many ways to fiddle the system for a start, including a matchbox sized device which can feed false signals to the GPS receiver and trick the system into thinking it has gone somewhere it hasnt.


tracking devices in the uk cannot legally be used for speed prosecutions as it has been proven that systems can show incorrect speeds, i have seen the trace report of a contractors transit van doing 147mph down a dead end street in the middle of liverpool :wink: now i know white van men have a bit of a lead foot (i am one of them) but even i could see that was a bit fishy.


what could happen though is if the police did monitor it they could find out where you where speeding and send someone there in person to catch you.


but like i said it wont happen, they will no doubt find some other way of screwing the average motorist though.

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put me down for another ' it wont happen' . By the time any such device is dependable and accurate enough to holdup in court, driving will be a different thing anyway.

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just want to say that i am also highly skeptical about these gov online petitions too. I dont know why, but something tells me that they will only be used to backup thinks that gov was going to do anyway.

Are they run by an independant company or does the gov handle all this info? maybe i start a new thread bout this.

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Looking at the posts that state this is impossible are wrong...


The fact that GPRS which IIRC is US owned would be able to be used to track cars accordingly as proved with tests on BBC it does work and would make you think twice before you get into the car.


However the US wont say " Hey Brits - Yeah Sure - We'll let you use our GPRS to track every car on your roads and hammer our system" - in fact ill doubt the systems are even able to acccomodate for the capacity of every UK motorer at the moment....


The british wont be able to enforce this until their own GPRS system which i forget the name of - so we dont have to rely on the yanks for everything - is currently being created.


Even then - you have proof that the systems can be used in this way as i know a person who has a tracker which shows her insurance how many miles she does at what times of day - pay as you drive from norwich union - the ability to run this is here already...


The problem i would say is the biggest one is the FACT that paying for tax at the moment is a reet pain in ze arse - paying more would mean i would want more in return.


I.E: Removal of Tax from Feul




EVERY single road completely relaid and retarmaced so i dont hit a bump / pot hole every 2 mins - i would want my money to be used to make my drive better..


At mo you see some roads redone - or pot holes filled by the local council but so far for my "X" amount of pounds i pay the Government for tax i have yet to see me benefit from in some way - when im using roads that were needed and there anyway.... :p

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The british wont be able to enforce this until their own GPRS system which i forget the name of - so we dont have to rely on the yanks for everything - is currently being created.


You mean Galileo, The ESA / EU's positioning system?

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The british wont be able to enforce this until their own GPRS system which i forget the name of - so we dont have to rely on the yanks for everything - is currently being created.


You mean Galileo, The ESA / EU's positioning system?


Thats the one...


I know no-one said it was IMpossible but the posibility of it being successful is very far out....


I for one would think human rights etc would fall under having something to monitor your drive...! Unless you accepted it and agreed it could be used...

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GPRS is not a satallite location system it has nothing to do with possitioning its just a mobile GSM data transfer system.


the GPS satallite system would not be effected by the number of vehicles with trackers as it only sends out information, otherwise all the tom tom's and other GPS reliant devices would also cause a problem.


nearly all the tracking devices available receive the possition information from the GPS satallites and then send that information via a mobile network or store it for bulk transmission later,

unlike the D+ Inmarsat satallite network which our system uses which receives the possition data from the GPS satallite's and transmits direct via the Inmarsat satallites so is not dependant on land based networks like GPRS or GSM.


No its not impossible but it would be incredibly expensive to run for every vehicle in the uk and the administration costs would also be huge


and i wouldnt believe everything you hear from the BBC, i should know as they use some of our equipment.



it is also possible for the US to put errors into the GPS system to prevent it from being used as a targeting system, this happened a couple of times when i was at the the previous company which really plays havoc with the system.

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Let's just say it's unfeasible right now, but it's only a short step away from being legally acceptable (and we know how the labour government likes to monitor where we go and when we do it - and keep that data for the next 7 years).

And as for the "non-working mom driving her kids to school" well.. what's the fact that she's not working (or a mom) got to do with it? She's doing a commute in the busiest time of the day, on the busiest roads. Stands to reason she's going to pay a lot for that. WALK yer lazy bugger!! Not like you've got to rush to work afterwards is it?!

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what's the fact that she's not working (or a mom) got to do with it?




If i went to the asda for a few things at the same time and the same distance, and just because i work full time and dont have a family to support, does that mean i should pay more!?


The whole idea is ridiculous. We should be free to travel where we want when we want. We all pay road tax, insurance and outrageous petrol prices. I think we have the right.

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I was quite amused at first when I heard this as the company I work speeds approx £1m+ a year on an (elegedy state-of-the-art)system on trackers for its engineers -approx half don't ever work and at least 2 engineers have been stuck in the Atlantic ocean for approx 2 years acording to the tracker...not bad considering they only drive Nissan Nivaros! (and only in the Midlands) - what would you be charged for sea usage??


...the whole things a joke and needs fighting at any chance

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A few months back while driving through Russel Square both my Road Angel and Road Pilot read over 300mph while I was sat stationary at lights. It took over a mile for them to start reading below 100mph!


Monthly mileage bill and a 5yr prison sentence at the end of the month!!

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signed it, i really cant wait for any chance to leave this bloody country. every day theres something you hear/find out, that makes you realise people in power think the UK population are a bunch of morons. :(


roll on the lottery......

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signed it, i really cant wait for any chance to leave this bloody country.


Im with you on that buddy. Go somewhere hot and somewhere that doesnt have ridiculous taxation.

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