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Next issue of Sprinter will arrive soon

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Just to let you know, that Steve Alleston, the Sprinter editor now has enough material to get the next issue to the printers shortly, after some more layouting, no doubt.


It was a bit of a fight this time, so apologies to everyone, if there is a distinct overload in articles by a certain author called Tempest, but someone had to bail Steve out.


Next time we're looking forward to YOUR stories, piccies etc. :-)



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Nothing's changed with the Sprinter then? I was a member of CCGB from day one, member number 058, and it used to be the same for Steve Auty having to request input for every issue. Strange isn't it cos everyone finds subjects for hundreds of new posts on here every day.

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Who do I have to notify?


Vicki Peace, the membership secretary, email her your new address details on vicki.peace(at)btopenworld.com, replace (at) with @ ;-)



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Has there been any new issues of the Sprinter or the new A4 newsletter that was spoken about released since the last AGM?

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I must put my hand up and apologise for introducing a delay of at least a month into the running of the current Sprinter. I had volunteered to have a go at designing the current issue over christmas but a lack of time and a lack of doing print jobs that big (only done small scale stuff!) meant I realised I was out of my depth.. so my apologies to Steve Alleston and all those who are waiting for their Sprinter!

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Just out of curiosity, how many Sprinter mags have been sent out in the last year? :?


March is renewal time and I'm not sure if I'll be sending my cheque this time round..


I'm not having a go at you, Jim, but this whole CCGB thing feels like I'm throwing money down the toilet :wink:

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Think I got mine about june time.


as for the membership. I got mine back with one fairly big purchase of stuff from GSF. also, the jolly round castle coombe more than made up for any delays in the magazine coming. CCGB Rocks !

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and I'm not sure if I'll be sending my cheque this time round


There was me thinking that the CCGB wasn't just about Sprinters. Oh well ...


I got mine back with one fairly big purchase of stuff from GSF. also, the jolly round castle coombe more than made up for any delays in the magazine coming. CCGB Rocks !


Thank you. :-)



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jolly round castle coombe more than made up for any delays in the magazine coming. CCGB Rocks !


Agreed, it was ace!!!


I can understand people loosing heart in the club though but i still believe that we should keep it going. Its a good loop to be involved in.


Look forward to the annual meet in the summer....

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There was me thinking that the CCGB wasn't just about Sprinters. Oh well ...


I guess I was spoilt when I was a Club GTI member some years back with their more regular mags...

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Thanks Jim for holding your hand up re the additional delay.


Much of the club business is thankless, time consuming tasks that too few people get involved in.


With many new members on the committee this last year there has been a steep learning curve but I sincererly hope to 'hit the ground running' once the hurdle of this years AGM is over.

I fully appreciate that members can and do loose heart with the club but can only reiterate that if people don't pass on their views to the committee, offer ideas for what they want to see happen or get involved in making it happen it is impossible for the few committee members we have to do it on their own.


Hoping to see many members at the AGM on the 1st April and hear their view.



Treasurer and acting Secretary (but more than happy to be relieved of that post) ;)


p.s. I heard that Club GTI are now no longer printing mags and only have an online version now. But I may be wrong.

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I guess I was spoilt when I was a Club GTI member some years back with their more regular mags...


Possibly. The CCGB finds it difficult at times to get enough material to provide a fully-packed Sprinter mag, as to a large extent, the contents are dependent on members' contributions.


Clearly as it is a printed magazine, the style and level of contributions has to be well above that found on forums, where members can get away with pub- and other random talk ;-)


The next one, when it comes out, and apologies for this already, has turned out to be a bit of a monopoly between 2 or 3 people, who decided to just put hands on keyboards back in November to crank the amount of articles up. Not that the articles won't be interesting, far from it (well I think so at least :-) ) they're just from a very small amount of people :lol:, thus reducing the variety in reading/writing style somewhat, if you're into and care about that sort of thing :-)



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