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Re: Corrado storm vr6

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And it's nice when a tester appreciates that some serious maintenance has been done on the car without them having to issue fails to make you get it done.

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  Butterfly said:

And it's nice when a tester appreciates that some serious maintenance has been done on the car without them having to issue fails to make you get it done.


Yeah i know makes you go back home with a smile on your face :D

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A job ive known that has needed doing since ive owned the car has now shown itself by blowing its fuse. Im talking about the bloody spoiler mechanism, since ive owned it its been going up in stages then on friday it decided to die once and forall and blow the fuse at the same time so that'll teach me when a problem first shows its face tackle it as soon as possible before it bites you on the arse. :mad:


So for the moment i have, No ABS light coming on with the ignition, no sunroof controls and no spoiler. But good thing is everything else is working :D


Luckily to save time i bought a spare mechanism ages ago (Best thing about being a parts hoarder) so i can strip that down this week and grease up ready for friday after work (i finish at 12pm so hopefully still be some light) Lee (Bro) will be helping too.


Can anyone give me a clue as to which fuse has blown on the fuse box?




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  Jon_vr6 said:
A job ive known that has needed doing since ive owned the car has now shown itself by blowing its fuse. Im talking about the bloody spoiler mechanism, since ive owned it its been going up in stages then on friday it decided to die once and forall and blow the fuse at the same time so that'll teach me when a problem first shows its face tackle it as soon as possible before it bites you on the arse. :mad:


So for the moment i have, No ABS light coming on with the ignition, no sunroof controls and no spoiler. But good thing is everything else is working :D


Luckily to save time i bought a spare mechanism ages ago (Best thing about being a parts hoarder) so i can strip that down this week and grease up ready for friday after work (i finish at 12pm so hopefully still be some light) Lee (Bro) will be helping too.


Can anyone give me a clue as to which fuse has blown on the fuse box?





I think it is a blue (15a) fuse from memory Jon.



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  GlosterOx said:
  Jon_vr6 said:
A job ive known that has needed doing since ive owned the car has now shown itself by blowing its fuse. Im talking about the bloody spoiler mechanism, since ive owned it its been going up in stages then on friday it decided to die once and forall and blow the fuse at the same time so that'll teach me when a problem first shows its face tackle it as soon as possible before it bites you on the arse. :mad:


So for the moment i have, No ABS light coming on with the ignition, no sunroof controls and no spoiler. But good thing is everything else is working :D


Luckily to save time i bought a spare mechanism ages ago (Best thing about being a parts hoarder) so i can strip that down this week and grease up ready for friday after work (i finish at 12pm so hopefully still be some light) Lee (Bro) will be helping too.


Can anyone give me a clue as to which fuse has blown on the fuse box?





I think it is a blue (15a) fuse from memory Jon.




Cheers mate just checked on my spare fusebox and yeah its fuse 16

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Spoiler all done and dusted that was a bitch to get out and back in and one of the dreaded screws on the top was spinning so looked underneath and it had broke in the plastic. Me and the Bro managed to get it sorted though, had a minor heart attack when i replaced the fuse and the spoiler wouldnt raise turned out i had replaced the wrong fuse.


Anyway my fingers are freezing so time for a brew :D

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Scrap the above p!ssed off now :mad2: , what else can cause number 16 fuse to blow, things that i know are on that fuse are the spoiler (cant be that surely as ive just replaced the mech), ABS warning lamp and sunroof controls anything else??


Hows best to tackle this unplug one at a time and see if it blows or not?




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Fuse 21 is interior lights, cigarette lighter, digital clock, rear spoiler.


Fuse 16 is Dash Instrument insert, glovebox light, rear spoiler.



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  RW1 said:
Fuse 21 is interior lights, cigarette lighter, digital clock, rear spoiler.


Fuse 16 is Dash Instrument insert, glovebox light, rear spoiler.



Definately fuse 16 as all interior lights, cig lighter etc work


What does it mean by dash instrument insert? ABS light?


My glove box light has never worked so cant be that. will unplug and check though

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Dash insert is the instruments less the LCD odometer. ie. rev counter, speedo, warning LEDs = PCB inside behind the actual dials. The ABS warning lamp is included in that.


The fuse list above is from the circuit diagrams.



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Also when i replaced the fuse i thought was for the rear spoiler number 21 it had a 10 amp fuse in it should that not have a 15 amp fuse in it??


And the only things that go off when fuse 16 blows is the ABS warning light, sunroof and rear spoiler manual switch/ automatic, everything else works lcd lights etc.


Two things i find tedious are coolant leaks and electrical gremlins

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i`ve got a switch and modual for the spoiler you can try them mate to see if they fix it...??

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  C5 OEM said:
i`ve got a switch and modual for the spoiler you can try them mate to see if they fix it...??


I actually got a spare one with the car when i bought it mate, i just cant see it being spoiler related but will run some tests tomorrow. Thanks for the offer though mate

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My rear spoiler blows fuses, but only when it is lowering, either with the switch or automatic when driving. For now I have lowered it manually and pulled the plug out. Was going to look at this when the weather gets a bit warmer( hate working on my car in the cold). Just out of interest were is the rear spoiler module, so when I do come round to looking at this I know were to look.

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  Dude VR6 said:
My rear spoiler blows fuses, but only when it is lowering, either with the switch or automatic when driving. For now I have lowered it manually and pulled the plug out. Was going to look at this when the weather gets a bit warmer( hate working on my car in the cold). Just out of interest were is the rear spoiler module, so when I do come round to looking at this I know were to look.


In the dash behind the manual switch for the spoiler

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you could always do a bit of farmer enginering and put a bit of threaded bar in the fuses place :cuckoo:


or worse on the darwin awards someone from the States used a bullet :lol: as a fuse I am pretty sure the bullet ended up going off

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Well Armed with a few 15 amp fuses i removed the glovebox light and abs light, replaced fuse sunroof worked, tried spoiler worked going up but coming down off the button blew instantly. So i then knew it was spoiler related, anyway Lee came round and we removed the spoiler mech again and refurbed the old motor off the one we took off yesterday cleaned it up etc and put it back on, spoiler mech back in.


Tried again and same again blew on the push of the button going down, Tried a 20amp fuse in and worked flawlessly up and down no problem but 15amp in again blew again. Tried the spare spoiler dash switch i had and it worked up and down with a 15amp fuse that was until it blew again after 3 goes of going up and down. Last thing to try is the spoiler control module but my spare was the wrong one must be from an early car as the connector block is smaller than the relay box.


So thats where im stuck at the minute if anyone else has any ideas im all ears



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Was only thinking this afternoon how many fuses you would go through lol


You might just check out the microswitches in the spoiler unit for sticking.


climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfCorrado Spoiler Micro Switches.jpg[/attachment:3gf1rin0]

Also see if one of relays is welded on the contacts, do they both move freely?


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfCorrado Spoiler Controller 535 919 845C - 01a.jpg[/attachment:3gf1rin0]

Check the spoiler controller PCB for copper track cracking which may prevent a relay operating.


Corrado Spoiler Controller 535 919 845C - 02a.jpg[/attachment:3gf1rin0]

If the relays/microswitches get out of sequence, it may be that the 12 volts is being switched directly to earth, hence the instant blowing of the fuse.



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Nice one fella can i ask aswel are the later control modules different to the early one ie. the way they connect as the spare one i have the one with "B" at the end connects like a relay with 5 pins on the bottom, whereas the one in your pic above and i presume mine thats in the car is the same looks like it connects with a connector block??

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Fitted the one of the spare spoiler control modules today and it goes up as normal but STILL blows fuse when i press the spoiler button for it to go down. Any more pointers last point of call is the microswitches, but why does it all work fine and dandy off a 20amp fuse ??

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Which spoiler mechanism have you fitted? Can't work out from the previous postings. Is the one fitted at present the one you wrote about being greased up???? Or the original??


Working with an increased fuse value (20 amp) suggests the mechanism is stiff causing the electric spoiler motor to draw more current. Or the motor itself is drawing more current because of internal damage.


The fact it works on the switch with 20 amps means no short in the dash switch or spoiler mechanism micro-switch or where the wires pass from the body roof to the tail gate in the rubber gaitor or the general wiring length.



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