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Penalty Point codes

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I have just been checking insurance quotes and when ask for the conviction code your obviously presented with a list as long as your arm :roll: so i look down the list and see "sp30-exceeding stat speed limit" so I assume this is fo a 30mph zone?? I can't see any for exceeding other speed limits, so I put this as the code and get a quote :)

Then I go and grab my licence and under the offence code column it says 5008013.... so I look down the list again and fair enough there is a 8013 code so I enter that and request a quote again. The screen comes up telling me I need to call them in this case :shock:

Now I have 5 sets of 3 penalty points listed on my licence (and thats after 2 more sets disappearing when i changed my address :oops: ) although only the last set is valid, but I know some of the offences were in 30 zones, some were on the motorway but they all have the same code, does anyone know why this 8013 code means any differance to an SP30.

Also I do know that some companies ask for points over the past 6 years but this company hasn't ask for these details so i guess it doesn't affect the quote and the only need the valid ones from the past 3 years?

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SP50 is "breaking the motorway speed limit". that's al I know, becaus eit's the only one I've even been convicted for (convicted, sounds awful when you use that word doesn't it).


I still think it's disgustong that insurance companies want to go back 5 or 6 years, when they are clear off your licence in 3 (in which case, why should they have a right to know of anything outside 3 years)

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Agree with you fully about the 6 year thing, it's hardly a conviction after three years when it doesnt have any bearing on anything else after the 3 years is up.

Would you mind looking at your licence to see what it say under the offence code for the SP50? Cheers

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Sp30 is a standard code for speeding

sp40 is speeding in a hgv


One of my offences was speeding in a 4.6t van as they have different speed limits to cars, but yet all the codes are the same on my licence, thats whats baffling me :? they all say 8013 even though they were different offences and it's this code that is preventing the quote online?

Just looked again and there is no option for an SP50 or SP40.... only SP30 :roll:

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sp40 is for speeding in a passenger vehicle, sp30 is for speeding on a public road, sp50 is for speeding on a motorway, sp10 is exceeding goods vehicle speed limit, sp20 for exceeding (non goods) vehicle speed limit.


Are you sure the 8013 isn't the convicting court code? They're all four digit numbers as far as I'm aware.

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sp40 is for speeding in a passenger vehicle, sp30 is for speeding on a public road, sp50 is for speeding on a motorway, sp10 is exceeding goods vehicle speed limit, sp20 for exceeding (non goods) vehicle speed limit.


Are you sure the 8013 isn't the convicting court code? They're all four digit numbers as far as I'm aware.


No steve the court codes are listed as 4 x FPO as they were Fixed Penalties, and 1 x M23 as I had to go to court for that...... still confused :?

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Quinn Direct...... maybe is a Northern Irish thing, we do everything different :lol: Going to try a few English companies anyway.

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Well it's definitely not on Tesco's hefty list of codes (just checked), unless it automatically changes them for NI addresses that is

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Just done a quote on Elephant and I put in a code for SP50 and they were looking for the past 5 years as well :shock: the quote came out at a laughable £1300 for a 30year old with full no claims driving a 1.8 16v :lol:

Incidentally I insured myself before a year ago with 6 active points (and the other inactive points) for £500.

My quote with Quinn Direct claiming and SP30 as thats the only option I can see other than the 8013, would be £420

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you only need to declare 'active' points. points for an SP30 [most common] are active for 3 years, but you have to wait an additional year to remove them.


the reason insurers ask for points up to 5/6 years is incase you have 'active' drink driving offences.. these stay on the licence for up to 12 years.


It sounds like you have only one active SP30, so your £420 should be correct!


IMO its worth phoning for quotes, with the [albiet not huge list] of mods you have done, you'd be better off getting a tailored quote.. and mention everything, it wont have much effect.





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Cheers bristolbaron, I'll give them a call tomorrow, I was just concerned as to what this other code was and why they wouldn't quote online by using it. I'll just mention what the offence was and not the code.

Thanks for your help

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Cheers bristolbaron, I'll give them a call tomorrow, I was just concerned as to what this other code was and why they wouldn't quote online by using it. I'll just mention what the offence was and not the code.

Thanks for your help


No probs.. i think its better to call anyway, if its difficult to get a quote, imagine what it would be like to settle a claim!

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I still think it's disgustong that insurance companies want to go back 5 or 6 years, when they are clear off your licence in 3 (in which case, why should they have a right to know of anything outside 3 years)


IIRC they don't count for totting up after 3 years but you can't remove them from your licence til after 4years

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Drink driving offences stay on your licence for 5 years and no longer... It's been 6 years since I since I got my licence back and this last year is the first time I've had 'normal' insurance quotes! My bad shows on my licence as a DR10...


EDIT: Just a thought but second offences may stay on there longer...

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Let me know if you need any specific offence codes checking and i will look on our system at work and find out what they mean for you. :)


Different insurance companies ask for claims / conviction history going back different periods depending on the company, there is no rule, eg we are a broker, some of the companies we use ask for 5yrs, some only 3yrs, but we have to ask for 5years to get the info correct info required for all companies.


Tbh to be on the safe side always disclose everything, you dont want to give an inserer a reason to void your policy and most of the companies we use that ask for 5years only count convictions (minor ones eg SP etc) within the last 3years anyway!


Martin 8)

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Let me know if you need any specific offence codes checking and i will look on our system at work and find out what they mean for you. :)


Cheers Martin could you check out what the 8013 code means and why the insurance company wanted me to contact them because of it?

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Let me know if you need any specific offence codes checking and i will look on our system at work and find out what they mean for you. :)


Cheers Martin could you check out what the 8013 code means and why the insurance company wanted me to contact them because of it?


Hmmm its not listed at all on our quote system?? :(


Did someone mention you were living in northern ireland? Maybe it is something to do with that as our system wont quote for NI? Is that all it says, all the offences we list are two letters followed by two numbers eg SP30, CD10, TT99 etc etc


I have seen cases where they have been written in the wrong place...


Sorry not much help! :(

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Thanks for trying Martin, just going to give them a call and see what they quote over the phone.

Yeah I am from NI and it's strange how some Mainland insurers will insure us and some won't :?

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I know mate, from what i have heard you guys get a pretty raw deal! :(


every insurer will have their own set of rules

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Im in Agreement with the four digit code being the court code.

Also Im surprised I got booked for a sp40 exceeding the speed statutory limit for a hgv but not the speed limit for the road in a car;

weird eh

Maybe the codes have changed as it was in 1989 :p

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Drink driving offences stay on your licence for 5 years and no longer... It's been 6 years since I since I got my licence back and this last year is the first time I've had 'normal' insurance quotes! My bad shows on my licence as a DR10...


EDIT: Just a thought but second offences may stay on there longer...

here is all the info

Endorsements and disqualifications

The amount of time in which an endorsement remains on your licence depends on the type of offence committed. The date in which the endorsement starts also depends on the type of offence.


Endorsements must remain on a licence for 11 years from date of conviction if the offence is:


drinking/drugs and driving (shown on the licence as DR10, DR20, DR30 and DR80)

causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink/drugs (shown on the licence as CD40, CD50 and CD60)

causing death by careless driving, then failing to provide a specimen for analysis (shown on the licence as CD70)

Endorsements must remain on a licence for four years from date of conviction if the offence is:


reckless/dangerous driving (shown on the licence as DD40, DD60 and DD80)

offences resulting in disqualification

disqualified from holding a full licence until a driving test has been passed

Endorsements must remain on a licence for four years from the date of offence in all other cases.


a full list of endorsement codes and penalty points

Accident offences


Code Offence Penalty points

AC10 Failing to stop after an accident 5-10

AC20 Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours 5-10

AC30 Undefined accident offences 4-9


Disqualified driver

Code Offence Penalty points

BA10 Driving whilst disqualified by order of court 6

BA30 Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court 6


Careless driving

Code Offence Penalty points

CD10 Driving without due care and attention 3-9

CD20 Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users 3-9

CD30 Driving without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other road users 3-9

CD40 Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink 3-11

CD50 Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs 3-11

CD60 Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit 3-11

CD70 Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for analysis 3-11

CD71 Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis 3-11


Construction & use offences

Code Offence Penalty points

CU10 Using a vehicle with defective brakes 3

CU20 Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of use of unsuitable vehicle or using a vehicle with parts or accessories (excluding brakes, steering or tyres) in a dangerous condition 3

CU30 Using a vehicle with defective tyre(s) 3

CU40 Using a vehicle with defective steering 3

CU50 Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers 3


Reckless/dangerous driving

Code Offence Penalty points

DD40 Dangerous Driving 3-11

DD60 Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle 3-11

DD80 Causing death by dangerous driving 3-11


Drink or Drugs

Code Offence Penalty points

DR10 Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit 3-11

DR20 Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink 3-11

DR30 Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for analysis 3-11

DR31 Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis 3-11

DR40 In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit 10

DR50 In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink 10

DR60 Failure to provide a specimen for analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive 10

DR61 Failure to supply a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive 10

DR70 Failing to provide specimen for breath test 4

DR80 Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs 3-11

DR90 In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs 10


Insurance offences

Code Offence Penalty points

IN10 Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks. 6-8


Licence offences

Code Offence Penalty points

LC20 Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence 3-6

LC30 Driving after making a false declaration about fitness when applying for a licence 3-6

LC40 Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability 3-6

LC50 Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds 3-6


Miscellaneous offences

Code Offence Penalty points

MS10 Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position 3

MS20 Unlawful pillion riding 3

MS30 Play street offences 2

MS50 Motor racing on the highway 3-11

MS60 Offences not covered by other codes As Appropriate


MS70 Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight 3


MS80 Refusing to submit to an eyesight test 3

MS90 Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc 3


Motorway offences

Code Offence Penalty points

MW10 Contravention of Special Roads Regulations (excluding speed limits) 3


Pedestrian crossings

Code Offence

PC10 Undefined Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations 3

PC20 Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations with moving vehicle 3

PC30 Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations with stationary vehicle 3


Speed limits

Code Offence Penalty points

SP10 Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits 3-6

SP20 Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle (excluding goods or passenger vehicles) 3-6

SP30 Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road 3-6

SP40 Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit 3-6

SP50 Exceeding speed limit on a motorway 3-6


Traffic direction and signs

Code Offence Penalty points

TS10 Failing to comply with traffic light signals 3

TS20 Failing to comply with double white lines 3

TS30 Failing to comply with "Stop" sign 3

TS40 Failing to comply with direction of a constable/warden 3

TS50 Failing to comply with traffic sign (excluding - stop -signs, traffic lights or double white lines) 3

TS60 Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign 3

TS70 Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign 3


Special Code

Code Offence

TT99 To signify a disqualification under totting-up procedure. If the total of penalty points reaches 12 or more within three years, the driver is liable to be disqualified


Theft or unauthorised taking

Code Offence Penalty points

UT50 Aggravated taking of a vehicle 3-11

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