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Head gasket No.3

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Need some advise just blown another head gasket over the weekend after only have it done 15k ago :x , could there be a underlying problems that are causing this??


If I do decide to repair it would a metal head gasket ect.. help stop it from happening again??


Any advise would be much appreciated :cry:



Oh and is there a max number of times you can skim a head ??

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Not sure on the maximum times you can skim the heads but going from experience its only a few, the machine shop will tell you if they can do it again or not. To be honest i would be looking at either the block being damaged or the head damaged, have even had the internal cooling jacket inside the block become clogged up and caused a hotspot making the head gasket go pre-maturly...

Hope you get it sorted!!!

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This one and the last one have gone in the same place (between 2 and 3) not running hot


Had it pressure tested last time and came back fine AFAIK.


Should have the head off in the next few days so ill know exactly what the damage is.

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Well got the head off today nothing there that could tell me why it went as far as i could see.


so the plan of action is..


Crack test the head

Skim the head

flush out the block incase of any blockages

put it back together with all VAG parts


Would it be worth getting a metal headgasket ??


Any know where i could get one from gasket from ??


Any thing else i should do while im there ??


Thanks :(

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