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Lazy temp needle

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On my new C (pictures to follow) The temp needle seems lazy. Its starts its climb but never seems to get anywhere. I swapped out the new senders from my old C n that didn't do anything to help. Can I swap the clocks or do the clocks store the milage???


Can they easily be taken to bits? I've soughted the needle on my old clocks n it worked a treat but can you remove the whole temp gauge?



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Hmmm seems me needle is not so lazy :roll: Temp did come up today when in traffic. Seems I am havin really good cooling. As soon as I get movin the airstream really drops me temps. My old 60 always suffered cooling probs maybe me rad was blocked :?:

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It sounds very similar to mine....


I think its the thermostat thats knackered, so it lets the coolant straight to the rad from cold....so the coolant takes ages to warm up and the needle hardly leaves the white bit


Picked one up from VAG so I'll try and fit it when I get a minute and see if it makes a difference! :)

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It sounds very similar to mine....


I think its the thermostat thats knackered, so it lets the coolant straight to the rad from cold....so the coolant takes ages to warm up and the needle hardly leaves the white bit


Picked one up from VAG so I'll try and fit it when I get a minute and see if it makes a difference! :)


Oh mate my dead 60 was a mare with stats. had 3 or 4 no way could I run the car with em in. Just airlock after airlock. Bottom hose always cold. Remove and all is well.


I even had a low temp stat a Neuspeed with 2 1 mm holes drilled in the flange to stop air bubbles forming. Still the damn car wouldn't run with it in.


Now it seems my 16 yr old rad was well clogged somewhere. The new car seems to be wesome at cooling?

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i got this prob...you have heat through the vents but the needle remains down in the white on the guage. It rises when you stand still in traffic the issue i have is sometimes when the time is rising a get a smell off very hot water or steam and sometimes the smell off hot rubber hose!!!?? It only happens once and then clears as the temp needle drops down when I start moving off again?

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ive got the same problem on my g60, never gets past the top of the solid white bit on the gauge. thermostat is cutting in and have changed black and blue sensors. i put it down to a dodgy gauge so fitted a replacement out of a spare set of clocks, but still doesnt work.

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My green VR does this and I'm fairly confident it's the thermostat ... which will be changed when I get round to it.


Certainly a good place to start.

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