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Adrian Flux

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Hi Guys, its that time of year again. and Adrian Flux have give me a great quote over £200 less than my renewal, and from the sound of it better terms. having never gone with a broker bofore has anyone had any "issues" with Adrian Flux....or Good experiance too.


What are they like in the event of a Claim, or servicing the policy??

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Apparently Adrian Flux and H.I.C. are sister companies and won't quote you if you are insured with the other. I was told this when trying to get quotes from Flux last week (my current insurer is H.I.C.).


I've been using H.I.C., Adrian Flux, Chris Knott etc for years with no problems. I've enver had to claim though so probably not the best person for advice on that front.



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yeah flux and HIC are sister companies, although H.I.C quoted me an extra £400 over what flux did on the s/c VR6??!! so i tried brentacre who were cheaper than all of them!! but the corrado is still insured with flux, so hopefully they will be good.


But hopefully ill never have to find out....

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Well after a bit of a delay (Flux apparently put in a new computer system today and it took em about 45 minutes to get me a quote!) I got a quote of around £610. Not bad. Will try and bounce it around a few competing insurers and see what they say!


This is a bit more like it though. Finally.

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Very good prices but their 'customer services' absolutely sucks when you come to move.


Will only use them as a last resort and if they undercut every other quote!

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That's interesting as I've just had a good quote from them but hope to move within the 12 months.


What sucks? That they can't be bothered with changes, can't get them right and don't care or want to charge an admin fee?

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I didn't get a renewal notice;

they automatically renewed my policy and debited my account for the full premium;

they took my account overdrawn and I couldn't access any money for about a week whilst they sorted it out;

they then cancelled my policy w.e.f 1 day after the previous policy lapsed but wanted to charge me £50;

they would only refund the £50 if I could a) prove that the car was insured elsewhere (which it wasn't as I'd taken it off the road or b) prove the car was declared as 'off the road' (which is not something that exists in the Isle of Man) and so I was screwed and discriminated against due to where I live.


Not the money but the principle that matters to me.


So they've set a debt collection company on me. I'm paying at the absolute last minute possible.

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Ah, I see. Move policy not move house Doh!


Thanks for the info.

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Sorry, just to add as well - didn't get a renewal notice so phoned up for a quote - got said quote and advised I would not be renewing. Expected to hear no more about it but then found they'd taken the money from my account without authorisation.


And all this for £50 for something that's never going to present them with any risk and they'd taken £800 from me for my car the year before.


Bad customer service IMO.

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Have to agree, Adrian Flux gave me a good deal on my previous car on a Classic Policy, but their customer service is rubbish. Changed to a Corrado mid-way through policy so got charged for changing my car.


Set them all the documents through. Which they then lost. Said it was my fault and threatened to cancel my policy immediately. Even though I had a letter from them admitting they'd lost them! Eventually sorted that out, after many expensive calls to their premium rate helpline number.


Moved house. Got charged again. Well, they tried to, untill I asked why I wasn't getting a refund as the new address was in a lower insurance bracket and the car would be garaged. Apparently I was told that it was too far into my policy but as an act of good faith they would drop the charge for moving house. So if I had not queried it they would have got extra money out of me for movng house and kept charging me at the higher insurance rate. :mad:


They may give you a lower quote but is it worth it in the long run?


Currently with Chris Knott through the C Club. So far no probs.

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think i'll be staying clear the quote came inthe post yesterday...i think i call the insurance company direct.....never did like brokers

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Gah - think i'll avoid Flux then and keep ringing around - that sounds like a nightmare Tom. Plenty of other companies to try I guess!


Churchill sent through their renewal letter today and it was nearly £1000.. thats MORE than I was paying this year. I don't understand these a**hole insurance companies.

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What can i say....

I've been with Flux now for nearly 4 years and have seen pretty much every aspect now... :mad:


When i set my policy up they lost some of my documents which by the sounds of it isn't that uncommon but they blamed me and sent threatening cancellation letters.


Through the next 2 years no problems apart from it was clear they were to frikin lazy to get off there arses and try and get me a lower renewal premium

(thought that was the idea of brokers?) so had to chase down quotes and make them lower there renewal quotes.


Last year i had a knock for knock on my old Valver only required a new wing and mirror very minor damage but other party wanted to claim :mad:

They dealt with this pretty well and the repair although v.slow was of top notch quality.


Roll on this year and my renewal quote has jumped up by £200 ouch phone and have a chat but they refuse to lower even though through brentacre using my current insurer Highways can beat it by £110 unbelievable and they want nearly £70 quid to cancel even though i never agreed to an automatic renewal.


All in all the service is exceptionally poor and the staff are lazy Gunts.

Avoid avoid avoid.

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My renewal quote this year was quite an increase. Got a good quote elsewhere and used that to barter with. Eventually got them down to a little over £300 with protected no claims, fully comp etc. They even gave me a big CCGB discount (over £50!) and didn't charge me the usual £25 admin charge for swapping cars. I think it really depend on who you speak to. The woman who I spoke to was excellent.

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I went with Tesco in the end....was slight more, but i know people that use them and have never had problems even in the event of a claim. interesting thing though, i tried to get a quote from Royal sun alliance who AF quoted me with and they couldnt quote me!

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going through Andrian Flux with my new policy ( I was my policy with them on the C 4 years ago), going round in circles though, partly my fault though :oops:.


This thread reminded me I had to ring them, Currently on hold, with 'Madness - House Of Fun" :D:D


Good company, just their records don't tend to be that accurate (they say sent this, with a deadline of that, and neither are the case).


When i set my policy up they lost some of my documents which by the sounds of it isn't that uncommon but they blamed me and sent threatening cancellation letters.


Been there, done that! :'


And the deadline they sent me of cancellation was different on the letter to their records, and the girl tried to tell me I was reading the date wrong :lol:


Just had a letter through saying "thank you for the payment of £56", ummmmz, 56 quid? Ring them up, and because they hadn't included my alloys on the policy because I 'didn't tell them' (I clearly did, as I stated they weren't on the car atm, but would be within the month :roll:) this increased my policy, so they took it out of my bank without telling me!!!! then said 'cheers' afterwards :shock:


I would recommend them though... :)

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well, AF came in £100 cheaper than anyone else this year, including all the other Forum favourites. Don't know about any other London owners but £470 fully comp, full no-claims but with 3 points in lovely Stockwell was pretty good in the end.


Fingers crossed I don't have any hassles like those mentioned above but it was gratifying not to have to pay the £200 increase for my points that some of the other companies wanted, and that was on top of their initial £600 quotes.. :roll:

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duke_st, that's a good price.


We claimed through Flux a few weeks ago for our damaged vRS. They were excellent and we had the car back, valeted and looking totally minty within a few days. Very happy with the service.

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duke_st, that's a good price.


We claimed through Flux a few weeks ago for our damaged vRS. They were excellent and we had the car back, valeted and looking totally minty within a few days. Very happy with the service.


excellent, thats what you want to hear!


that's the true test of the quality afterall

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I need to start getting some quotes for when i get mine supercharged. Currently paying £1200 fully comp on my vr with The AA (who was the cheapest i could find at the time, most wouldnt touch me lol), when i took it out last year i was 20, passed 2 years and had 1 yr ncb so not bad really. This year im 21 passed 3 years with 2 yr ncb but want a supercharger declared. I done a re-quote with The AA who im currently with to see roughly what my renewal will be and its just over £800 fully comp but thats without the charger, so i know that with The AA not being a modified specialist that they will fleece me when i mention a mod.


So im going to try AF. I remember getting a quote off them a while back for my vr with a charger stating about 250bhp and it came back about the same im paying now with The AA without supercharger so if thats the case i will be happy, but will still try and get it cheaper though.

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So there are some benefits to getting older! :lol:


From what I can remember from ringing round last year, some of the specialist VW insurance firms will insure you depending on your bhp rather than your mods, had a long conversation with Brentacre, as the guy had a C.


So definately worth ringing round, even though it is a pain constantly repeating the same information.

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