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i was sent this yesterday , anyone else heard of it :x






Well today my insurance company phoned to tell me about the pilot scheme that they are running and want me to take part. They told me that they would give me money off my premium if i did the following


1) Didn't drive before 6am

2) Didn't drive after 10pm

3) Kept to the speed limit (which i always do)


The kind thing is that they would fit the tracking device for free and it would help locate my car if it was ever stolen.


As you can probably guess I kindly turned down the offer of taking part of this scheme.


Who on earth would agree to this !




the ins Co was Direct Line .........

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Quite a few insurance companies seem to be trialling this sort of thing, although the ones I've heard about are based on how many miles you do, not what hours you drive it. Can't see how they work out not driving between 10pm and 6am will save money, surely you're less likely to have an accident because the roads will be quieter?


I certainly wouldn't agree to it anyway, having them know the details of every journey you make is way to big brother for my liking.

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i remember reading about this before and it comes from a statistic something about young drivers as they`re more likely to have accidents between 10pm and 6am

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"Who on earth would agree to this ! "


old people,parents who only use the car for shopping, kids etc etc... mostly non car enthusiasts.


what are u meant to do if u go out and their is traffic and your late coming home then, do they have exceptions or not...


also its very very hard keeping to the speed limits ALL the time. ive tried it, sometimes u just need to go a bit faster to get out of an issue on the road!

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money off now but i bet it will mean tax's in the future what a joke limiting you own use of your car. I'd tell direct line that you wont do business with them for offering such a system thats the only thing they would take not of

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I drove home from my missus's on Monday at half 12 at night, i passed 3 cars on the 4 mile trip, how is that possibly more dangerous than driving during rush hour?


Also, what if there is an emergency after 10pm? Its basically house arrest!!

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there was also a plan for pay as you go driving for youngsters with it being more expensive to drive late, maybe more dangerous as people more likely to drink drive??

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i used to go out untill 3 am in my car when i frist got one, why would you not??? its cramping the freedom big time

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is it possible this will become the norm in the future ? i hope not :-(


This will surely fail as only a few insurers will try to push ahead with it, and nobody will bother to insure with them if they do. Market economics can be a wonderful thing you know.


Out of interest, did Direct Line give you a quote for how much reduction they would offer you in exchange for this attack on your civil liberties? Do you have with/without tracker quotes?


Betcha they weren't offering more than 15%...

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Shirley this is aimed at younger drivers who do mostly drive around after 10pm etc, and end up in accidents with no 3rd party.


Of course if i were a new driver i'd agree to the tracker, get a higher ins group car with the savings, and make sure the tracker didnt work very well !

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Unless they actually make this law I can't see this catching on at all. everyone speeds, even if its just accidentally creeping above the limit. Ever tried going 30? People tailgating can be very off-putting and make you feel harassed.


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I often carry a few sheets of roofing lead which i would have thought would cause havoc with a tracking device.

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had this aswell.............


Subj: This isn't a wind up or a chain email.


Please Sign and pass it on. It only takes a minute !!


The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you

having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a

monthly bill to use it.

The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the

BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for

a delivery driver.

A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid

£86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody

will know where you are at all times.

They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you

accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect a NIP with your

monthly bill.

If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of

the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website.




Please pass this on to anyone who owns a car/motorcycle. It affects them.

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An email that has no links to further info, seems to foster fear and asks you to send it on needs to be deleted - especially if it says it 'isnt a wind up or chain email' !


Meanwhile: here is the link to the actual study. The charging model seems to have been created by 'transport expert Professor Stephen Glaister of Imperial College, London'. Nowt to do with the gov, just an experiment using 3 people it seems. Hardly reliable data methinks.


It seems that the email above forgot to mention this bit for some reason:


'On the other hand our car commuter Nick Waddington declared himself "pleasantly surprised" at his bill for £126.77 for a month - or £1,512 a year.

He makes a daily 32-mile journey into the Birmingham offices of Knight Frank where he is a chartered surveyor.

He says that if the roads became less congested as a result of road charging, he might be able to cut 20 minutes off his journey and spend more time either with his family or actually working. '


2 pence worth>

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TBH guys I cant wait for road pricing to come out - there's far too many cars on the road and not enough of the right ones too I might add

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