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Bumper gaps

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Since i've owned my Rado ive noticed the gaps between the front and rear bumpers and the body work seems to be getting bigger, its a good 1/2-3/4 of an inch now, and i'd like them to sit a little more flush. Is it just a case of removing them and replacing the bolts/brackets?





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the back bumpers normally sit quite tight with little gap at all, but the fronts tend to have a drop gap where the bumper sits below the wing, you cant adjust the gap unless you adjust the bracket points where the bumper ends slide onto.

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the back bumpers normally sit quite tight with little gap at all, but the fronts tend to have a drop gap where the bumper sits below the wing, you cant adjust the gap unless you adjust the bracket points where the bumper ends slide onto.


I've noticed a slight drop on one side of mine. I might make up some steel 'shims' to compensate.

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I would like to ask what you or others did then, to compensate for the increasing gap. Weld on some suitable rings?


I may be wrong on this, but it appears to me, that adjusting the horns bolted to the bumper iron, will adjust the height from below the headlights, to the top of the bumperskin.

What i need to do is minimize the airgap between the bumperskin on each side, and the lower edge of the side fenders.

As the bumpers slide onto the black plasticholders on each side, they seem to be at a fixed point. My height between the headlights and bumpersking is just perfect. But the airgaps on each side is too much, looking real ugly. What to do?




Edited by Redfox

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The drivers side front on mine is the same, infact there's some movement. The bracket that sliders into the bumper is in place. So im guess the bolts holding the bracket to the body need tightening up.

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I did that too yesterday, but it's not adjustable, and was already tight. Good ideas are most wellcome!




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I'm pretty sure the Bentley says that the gap between bumper and wing recess should be 8mm. Not sure how you would get it back to that though. Perhaps new brackets?

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