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Drinks like a fish..i think

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Does your raddo drink water? I got a 92 G60..and it seems like i'm filling it up with water quite a lot! i usually get the flashing red light on inside the car, and i check the bottle and its empty..so i fill it! I've checked for leaks in the pipes and radiators..i never see anything on the ground after or when i park etc..

So is it common to fill it up every month and a half or so?


i can understand topping up, but it always seems empty...


J x

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First thing I would concider next is head gasket leaking.


have you checked to see if you're getting any steam/water coming out of your exhaust when the car is running and is warmed up?


Also check if there is an mayonaise type gunk under the oil filler cap.

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Your car shouldn't use any water, i've never had to top any of mine up ( apart from when the head gasket went )


Do your windows steam up when the car's left? - it could be the heater matrix maybe?

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My 16v leaks a small amount of water from a plastic flange on the end of the cylinder head, above the gearbox, meaning I have to add about two litres per month. If you have coolant in the system you should be able to spot any small-ish leaks as they'll probably leave crystalised coolant residue behind. Mine doesn't leak enough to ever leave a puddle on the floor.


Thinking about it, I should really get 'round to fixing that leak...

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i've not seen any signs of steam from the exhaust..or any white gunk! the glass does get steamy a lot when i'm not in it..whats involved with fixing the heater matrix? i do get a whirring sound some timeswhen i turn the heater on...could this be linked??


i'll also recheck the pipes too.. prob is i'm rubbish at spotting this stuff.. so used to driving air-cooled cars.. hehe



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