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Smoothed G60 Engine Bays

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I just wondered if there are many examples of smoothed engine bays on G60's out there? I don't know of many off-hand, and I know that obviously there's a lot of pipework, but I can get rid of some wiring and bottles etc....



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seen a couple on there, doesn't seem like many people have got rid of the battery, header tank, wiring, and washer bottle on a g60....i'll have a looky round.


How comes people don't do it to the G? Lots of people smooth 20VT bays

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go over to Dubforce.net and have a look at Dubwhizz's Oettinger G60 golf... It had basically the same G60 engine bay as a Corrado to start with, but it sure as hell don't look standard now! 8)

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think its quiet hard to smooth a G60 engine bay, i can see a lot of work went into the one above but....it still looks too busy with all the boost pipes and cables etc. its easier to do with a vr6 or 16v as they are just one chunk of metal and you can easily hide all the unsightly wires etc away frrom view...

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Mine will hopefully look something like that but i'll be keeping the scuttle, and it will be body coloured....

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that's the BEFORE pic of Matt's engine... he'd just got it painted and ready to go over to Holland last year when that pic was taken...


The AFTER pic will look even better as he's aiming to take that bay to "the next level"... 8)



There's no reason you can't do that to a 'rado bay... I know 'cos I've considered doing it to J-DUB while she's in bits waiting for me to make my mind up as to what to do to her... ;)

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he won't say yet... think much bling and some more colour coding are in order as well as some new boost pipes... :)

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my god! that is one fine lookn bay. is there a thread to say how its done and what sort of price range is it in...

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