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VR6 popping exhaust and misfire on gentle acceleration.

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Not sure where this one is going to end up. Could be expensive,


But basicly, My Vr is doing some weird things. on gentle acceleration the car misses a beat up to 2k then sat at 80 on the motorway at about 3k acceleration causes another miss.


Also on heavy acceleration in 1st and a quick change the exhaust seems to pop from the manifold end.


It all started after a trip down to cornwall in a torrent of rain.


I have wd-40d the electrics and booked her in for a 100k service for plugs, ht leads and a cleanup of the isv. but Im trying to pre-empt what the mechanic is likely to say.


Also when I had the bonnet up and engine running it sounds like my old hard drive working hard. Rattly. Aaarrgh, I know that can only mean timing chains. Anyone got any experience of how much it is likely to cost me. Ie Phirm or Stealth.

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99% probability it is the coilpack if it is still the original one.

Misbehaviour :roll: is much worse in wet/humid conditions.


The coilpacks after about 10 years become really dodgy due to cracking, we have seen on this forum.

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99% probability it is the coilpack if it is still the original one.

Misbehaviour :roll: is much worse in wet/humid conditions.


The coilpacks after about 10 years become really dodgy due to cracking, we have seen on this forum.


Dizzy VR, so Im guessing ist not the coilpack.


Steve, That was my first thought, looking at the service history, They are the origonal ones. coming up for 15 years old now. Ill get them done in the upcoming service.


Weird thing is it all started when I filled up with fuel at a morrisons petty station in cornwall. and last night I put half a tank of shells finest back in and things seem 100% better today. Reckon I might need to change the fuel filter too.

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Mine seemed to be as a result of sh1te fuel and dampness, it started as soon as I filled up with cheapo fuel. Also the journey when it started was one of the wettest journeys I have had. I cleaned out the dizzy with GT85 and changed the fuel and things got much better. and once I had some of Shells Finest in there it cleared up completely.

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Man you people have nothing important to worry about!

A bit of a minor hiccup on a very damp day with cheap fuel is the least of your worries when you're driving a VR .. ! :)

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I would tend to agree Dr, But most of my woes with my Vr have been coolant related. infact the only part of the coolant system that hasn't been replaced yet is the main water pump itself.


At the time though. I was a fair bit concerned that I had managed to do some major damage to the engine by driving it with water in or something.

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I'm starting to wonder if my problem is coolant or air temperature related.


Since the misfire first appeared I've noticed that on initial cold start my VR gradually churns into life instead of bursting into life like it normally does and immediately following cold start it runs slightly lumpy whereas before is was nice and smooth.


After 2 minutes or so everything settles down and it appears to be back to normal - i.e. smooth idle and running, no misfire, no apparent lack of power UNTIL I get stuck in traffic after a run and the under bonnet temp gets quite high - then the misfire will reappear causing power loss/missing below 2K RPM.

When it does this it's almost like an old car with too much choke.


Once it gets moving again and temps get back to normal misfire dissapears



could it be the coil failing when it gets too hot? or is it blue temp sender?

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Now this is really weird


I let the petrol tank run nearly empty before filling up and all the odd running and misfires have now completely disappeared.


I thought perhaps I was imagining that the problem had got better but it's been well over a week now and the car is definately back to normal. I haven't done anything to the car other than fill it up with petrol. It was misfiring on the way to the petrol station then after filling up it was smooth all the way home (20 miles) and has stayed that way ever since (another 200 miles or so).


I know you can get dodgy petrol but both this time and just before the trouble started I filled up at Shell which I thought is supposed to be one of the better makes.


So there you go - if your car starts acting wierd all of a sudden give it a few weeks before spending time and money replacing parts because it might just be the petrol......

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