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another one bites the dust

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just heard my old VR6 was written off today... :cry: I sold it to a mate only about 3 weeks ago. He was on the way to work this morning and some bird driving the other way lost control of her car and hit my mate and two other cars who were travlling in the same direction as he was. No one injured badly, but my mate had to be cut from the VR6. His arm's in a sling, but no broken bones thankfully!

bye bye K755 WPE..

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That sucks mate, again glad nobody got hurt badly, always bad to hear of another C down the pan though.

How did the bird lose control, do you know?

The other day I had a girl on the phone swing out to overtake a cyclist on a blind bend while I was coming the other way, thank god for ABS is all I can say really, she just kept on chatting :mad:

This makes me realise I was very lucky. All the best to your mate, hope the bint gets what she deserves (unless there's a freak genuine reason why she lost control, though I doubt it).

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thank god for ABS is all I can say really, she just kept on chatting



It really gets my back up when guilty person, doesnt even acknowledge their mistake, and carries on like it never happened. Even if its just something like cutting you up. :x

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What a nightmare :(


Just goes to show how well the old Rado was built though.. you see some awful wrecks sometimes and most people just suffer cuts and bruises.


Gutted that its another Rado wiped off the face of the earth but the main thing is your mate was ok and there are more Rado's out there!

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