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Advice needed opening bonnet

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after my bonnet cable snapped a few weeks ago i have been unable to get the bonnet open, The cable has COMPLETLY come off (kind of pulled the whole thing out in rage) both sides of the bonnet are down, is there any way of getting the bonnet up? any pics of the bonnet release system would also be helpful....

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i had the very same problem if you look under the car on both sides you can just see the clips that you need to push to get it to relise also i found that if you can get the front grill off or enought room to get your hand in you can push the clip only on drivers side does this work when you push the clips when underneath its just a case of feeling with your hands hope this makes sence to you

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ooh ooh!!! I can't believe I found this.


I think I have one of the problems explained, the cable doesn't seem to operate the driver's side mechanism, it would be the one hardest to reach wouldn't it.


Hopefully this is a god send, thanks a lot!

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Ok, I've had another look at this tonight.


Being an idiot I got o/s and n/s mixed up, it's the wrong way round to me!


My o/s mechanism isn't working and I can't see how cutting the plastic rad cover will create enough space to get my arm inside the bonnet far enough to reach it.


I'm going to look from underneath the car tomorrow, hopefully it's not still hammering it down. In the meantime, the only other way I can think of getting to it is to smash the driver's side headlight, cut through the back of the light and then reach up to the mechanism! Would this work? Is it necessary?


Obviously I don't want to do this if it won't help, however I am angry enough to smash it with my face right now I think! :censored:

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