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Bored - Tell us your road/corrado stories

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road related one, think i've told this one before but it is rather amusing....


when i was a lad i had a yam rd 125 lc which i was in the process of putting back together after yet another crash....


anyway got it all back together & was faffing on with the carb in the vain hope of extracting another 0.5bhp out of it. unbeknown to me, when i put the carb back together i put the carb slider in the wrong way resulting in the throttle being jammed wide open! the f-n thing wouldn't kick over (obviously coz it was flooded) so i thought i'd bump it. as i did it fired & took off down the lane like a cat with a firework up its arse with me hanging on for dear life! couldn't shut the throttle off & the front wheel was hovering about 2 feet off the ground! got about 30 foot down the lane before the back wheel caught the kerb which then swung me into a neighbours gate & flipped me over the bars, over his fence, narrowly missing his clothes line pole & landing hard on his concrete yard!!! my neighbour who was washing his dishes at the kitchen window saw what happened, colapsed in histerics, litterally crawled out the house pxxsing himself laughing, crawled passed me still rolling on the floor in agony & turned the kill switch off on my bike!!! the twxt wasn't bothered if i was ok or not just his kid had just went to sleep!!! had to sneak my totally wrecked bike into the garage, walk past my mam without limping & go & lie down for 2 days coz she would of killed me if she knew i'd totalled it again! the exuberance of youth! :lol:

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Well, for a good Le Mans road trip, you can see the link in my sig...

A funny story going back a few years to when I had the 1.6 TD Passat estate though, is related to one on here. I was coming up the M1 about 8am on a Sunday morning, and not hanging about as I had to get to a Rememberance Sunday service. I overtook an old & tired looking BMW that took affront to a diesel dub cruising past & floored it.

He slowly crept up alongside me (as I was back in the middle lane) revving the nuts off the BMW & givving me sh1teye. Thene there was a bang, he dropped back, and the last I saw was him coasting over to the hard shoulder with his hazard on & smoke billowing out behind him :-)


With the same car, I goaded a Z3 into a GATSO camera on the A1. He was sat up my arse, and so booted it, overtook the person in the nearside lane, slowed down to 70 & then pulled in. The floored it past me right into the waiting lense of the camera! Laugh? Oh yes.


Coming into York on the A1079 there's a dual carriageway on the roundabout and both lanes go to York. I had seen a caravan pull through the lights in the right hand lane and then they changed back to red & I came to a stop in the left. Another underpowered BMW pulled up in the right & started revving, so I thought I'd have fun & started taking the mick revving my mighty diesel for all it was worth. We pulled off from the lights only for him to turn the corner of the roundabout and perform an emergency stop to avoid shunting the caravan while I sailed past on the left through the now green lights p1ssing myself with laughter. PhatVR6 will know the roundabout I mean :-)


Hope that entertains...


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And the time that I got my directions to AmD in Bicester all wrong while leading a convoy and 14 other members of the Corrado Club all followed me into Bicester village instead (what berks - they should have known my sense of direction was crap)


I'm not saying a word John. All i can say is that i carry a map with me, and plan my route before i set off in convoy with you :wink:

Just reading through your stories wondering how many of them i've witnessed... You forgot to mention the time we were on our way to an E1k meet, and some chavved up Nova stopped next to us at a roundabout, where he started to rev the 1.2 OHC so we could expereince the quality sound of the Peco Big bore. Then we all gave him a blip back of pure VR6 induction roar :lol: a), it scared the hell out of him, and b) he didn't rev it anymore!!! Classic. We didn't even need to be moving....


Travelling 90 miles a day, i have a few stories too, but they all occur while im in the 306, does that count? Most of them involve me bulling my way through traffic.. Since my kind neighbour put a dent in the wing, you wouldn't believe how many people move out of my way when they see that.. :lol: For some reason i turn into a driver that i would normally loathe. I should really be driving a 5 series or something...

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