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[CCGB] New Sprinter!

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Got the new issue this morning but only just had chance to have a read...


It's been a while but it's a good issue - well done to Steve, Eric and anyone else involved!!! 8)

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I'll second that. Well done Steve.


I read mine cover to cover as it dropped through the letterbox this morning. An unexpected bonus over breakfast!! :)

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Yup, received mine this morning, too. Strange to have to read your own stuff :lol:


Look forward to reading other peeps' stuff in the next issue :-)



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Felt a bit bad as I read mine, as it had a little blurb at the start from Steve Alleston thanking me for helping with this issue.. except that in the end I didn't actually do anything and in fact delayed the issue by around a month. Doh. I don't think i'll ever be able to apologise enough for that!


Still a nice issue though - nice work on a lot of the content by you Eric, including our trip to Berlin!


I think I might contribute a "Me and my Corrado(s)" item for the next one now that i've had three of the damn things!

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So your the reason it's late Jim?




Must get off my butt and write something for it one day, but I really need to get that engine done, then sort the bearings and sticky claiper on the VR, then... etc etc

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Looking forward to recieving mine..


Mine will have to be forwarded to me from Durham to Pompey so id expect a couple of days extra wait.

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Got mine too- a good read, good pics etc 8)


I think I might contribute a "Me and my Corrado(s)" item for the next one now that i've had three of the damn things!


Me too! :lol: Need to dig out some pics...

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Don't forget that unless you've contacted Vicki (the CCGB membership secretary) to tell her whether you changed address recently, you may not get your copy ;-)


The way it worked this time was that the printers were given a list of all members' addresses and they bagged the mags up and sent them out.


We didn't have access to "free" company resources any more like in the past, so decided to outsource this aspect.



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Oh yeah. Cheers for the back cover shot. :D


Is it just me thinking 'porn' here?


I hope mine will arrive, I expect it is just the post isn't always 1st class up here.. :roll:


..Got my coat on already.

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I have not recived a copy. I should do as I have been a member for about 5 years. Anyone else not got theres yet?


Still going out I think David, just got mine today.

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Got mine today, my car managed to sneak into 2 pics too!!


Pretty much an entire show season wrapped up in one issue, great work folks lets hope the next one is out a bit quicker.

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got mine on saturday, with the new sticker :D


it's the best Sprinter for a while, and definately the biggest.


Some great articles in there, thumbs up all round :)

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8) Back end pic of the old BLACKG60 even managed to get in there {over the moon with that} my car in a mag {get in there} :-P

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Cheers for the back cover shot


I just got mine today and im slap bang in the front cover shot, about to step out the car wearing a pink t shirt...


Got to be happy with that..


Well done to those involved in the mag.....

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Got mine the other day.

Looks professional and is a good read. I now kick myself for missing Castle Coombe after reading about the fast convey on track :-(

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