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3D Model Corrado?

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Does anyone have a 3D model of the Corrado? I'm doing a project at the moment which could be made a whole lot better if I could use a 3D corrado model. Not sure I have enough time to make one myself though.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Cheers, Chris

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The best I've found that's marginally close to a Corrado is a Mk2 Scirocco that was made by one of the guys on No-Rice:




I'm guessing that is the sort of thing you're talking about?

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Some one posted one of those for a C on here ages ago - had forgotten all about it tbh! Am sure it's will turn up with a search... :?

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Thanks for the responses guys, I'm going to have a go at modelling the corrado tonight and see if I'll be able to produce anything worthwhile in the time that I have! I'll only be able to make a very low-poly model, but if it looks like the corrado, then it'll serve a purpose.


rado-steve, cheers for that link, those blueprints will certainly come in handy.


DanA, looks like you made a good start on that model, shame you never got it finished. Would it be too cheeky for me to ask if I could have a copy of your model so far? It'd be nice to have something to use as a reference, but obviously I know how much time goes into these things, so no worries if not.


Cheers, Chris

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Yeah, PM me - its not actually my model, a guy on here started it, I forget who... I just textured and lit it.


Are you doing a course in 3d ?? I'm always on the look out for help if you are, check my site. http://www.3dstate.co.uk



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Quick update on this...


I've been working on another module the past few days so not had much chance to work on this, but just started again today. I've nearly completed the shell of the car - just need to finish the roof. Tomorrow I will get started on the bumpers/lights/mirrors etc. Not sure how long it's going to take, but hopefully it should be finished within the next couple of days.


The main reason I've posted this, is to ask if anyone who has experience in 3ds max, how do I use the MeshSmooth tool, without losing the creases in the body panels? I've not really used it very much, so any help would be appreciated :)


Cheers, Chris

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Turns out I needed to chamfer the edges I wanted to keep :)


The windows are proving to be the most difficult for me, and I don't really want to spend much more time on this, so I think I'm just going to leave them with very little detail. There's also a few very awkward areas of geometry around the spoiler and mirror which don't smooth very well. Its by no means perfect, but at least it looks like a corrado!

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Well I'm finished. Its turned out ok, not great, but ok. The texturing on some areas has really let it down, I didn't plan the geometry very well, and as a result the windows didn't really work out. Unfortunately I can't afford to spend any more time on it, so I'll have to leave it there. I could make it a whole load better if I spent a few more days on it, but I really can't :(

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