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Busy 3 hours this afternoon....

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....trying to get ready for Ultimate Dubs but rapidly running out of time.


Fitted new front and rear seats


Fitted resprayed OE front bumper and 90mm spoiler


Fitted In-Pro indicators and fogs


Just got to fit the rebuilt charger and give it a damned good clean and should be ready - definitely not a show car but I'm happy with it

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Busy day Andy, not seen your nugget since we both had done some work done at John's years ago.


Think you were having the carbon can removed IIRC.

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My car is going to let the side down I think.. going to try and give it some TLC on Saturday though, polishing / tidying wise!

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Yan - lots of things have changed on it since then - really pleased I made the decision to go back to the OE front bumper, looks a lot better balanced than before

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Gonna wash and polish mine this Sunday for the first time since I bought it at the beginning of December. Before anyone says I'm bone idle, I've been sorting loads of other problems first but it has been garaged in that time.

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Jim - mine is an awful long way from being perfect so we'll let the side down together - we can say that they are representative of cars that are used on a regular basis and enjoyed

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im - mine is an awful long way from being perfect so we'll let the side down together - we can say that they are representative of cars that are used on a regular basis and enjoyed


Good way to look at it mate :) Mine is very much the daily driver! Will hopefully be able to treat her to a coat of polish / wax before Sunday though.. if the weather chuffing well behaves! :)

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Just checked the weather forecast for the next five days, dry here in Telford but you might get a bit of rain on Friday Jim but dry all other days

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Sunday looks stunning actually! Good good! Will be down at Halfrauds on Saturday morning stocking up on polishing cloths and microfibres! :)

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Sunday looks stunning actually! Good good! Will be down at Halfrauds on Saturday morning stocking up on polishing cloths and microfibres! :)


Get meguiars ones Jim, I think they came top in the Auto Express group test a while ago.


Can't see either of you two letting the side down, both great cars.

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Sunday looks stunning actually!



*Grumbling noises coming from Coventry somewhere* Shall or shan't I tax my C this month? Nah, still need to do a 4-wheel alignment first, could do that on Saturday, I suppose.



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Sunday looks stunning actually!



*Grumbling noises coming from Coventry somewhere* Shall or shan't I tax my C this month? Nah, still need to do a 4-wheel alignment first, could do that on Saturday, I suppose.





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Anyone else? :lol:


Quick trip to the post office and she's back on the road, I suppose.



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Might have to, now that the 5th and last space on the stand at Ultimate VW has become available ...



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