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Doh, got pulled by the police Friday night :oops:

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My mrs got pulled driving my c, the copper said " the reason im pulling you

over is weve had a report of someone in a scirocco driving with no tax or mot"


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I've was followed (sadly years ago when younger and fitter) by a copper and he pulled me over to ask me out on a date, very naughty and would have been in trouble for doing that now.


Did go out as he was very cute but sadly a bit of a tw*t


Thats it for being pulled.


Did date a copper on iow for a while, very very fit and the bonus was gettin a "Blue Light Taxi" home after clubbing, funny being droppped off in a cop van outside a club.

So those cop cars you see late a night are just takeing other Coppers home.


Tax payers money going to good use ??????

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oh dear..sounds like im going to have alot of fun when i get my hands on my dads corrado....:) just hope its the blonde policewoman, down my way lol.

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I've was followed (sadly years ago when younger and fitter) by a copper and he pulled me over to ask me out on a date, very naughty and would have been in trouble for doing that now.


Did go out as he was very cute but sadly a bit of a tw*t


Thats it for being pulled.


Did date a copper on iow for a while, very very fit and the bonus was gettin a "Blue Light Taxi" home after clubbing, funny being droppped off in a cop van outside a club.

So those cop cars you see late a night are just takeing other Coppers home.


Tax payers money going to good use ??????


There's enough there to get me right p*ssed off. Hopefully you're not a geezer.

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Don't worry have seen error of my ways


But the uniform don't still get me feeling fruity 8)


Its a girl fing me thinks or not, on page1 someone was saying that they fink women PC's are hot so it's not just us chicks.


I have the handcuffs but not the uniform :wink:

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VW CHICK we call "blue light taxi's" "Panda cabs" here in Cardiff :lol:


MICHAEL M Corrado's aren't a ride i'd normally pull over so you should be ok. As mentioned earlier its the manner of driving more than anything usually. If you look a young 18 then that may get you stopped. But i find that the young lads in their jazzed up saxo/corsas have insurance etc because they cant afford not to coz they know they'll get tugged sooner or later just for being young in a sporty car.

The Traffic cops do tend to stop old cars though as these are more likely not to have insurance, but i've always been fine and all my cars have been olde :oops:

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Hmmm, all the WPC's round here look like they are going for an audition for the League of Gentleman... :(


Ha Ha that just made me laugh out loud :lol: :lol:

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MICHAEL M Corrado's aren't a ride i'd normally pull over so you should be ok. As mentioned earlier its the manner of driving more than anything usually. If you look a young 18 then that may get you stopped. But i find that the young lads in their jazzed up saxo/corsas have insurance etc because they cant afford not to coz they know they'll get tugged sooner or later just for being young in a sporty car.

The Traffic cops do tend to stop old cars though as these are more likely not to have insurance, but i've always been fine and all my cars have been olde :oops:


i know most of the traffic police dwn my way..if they were to see me in a C they sh1t themselves and become my best friend...as for the driving manner..i have respect for a modern classic..im nt guna drive lie a bmw owner :)

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