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Roger Blassberg

Jaguar S Type R

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The spring sun was shining as I drove past the Jaguar dealer, and those langorous cats looked so inviting, lounging on the forecourt like lions in the Serengeti......... so I stopped to have a closer look.


And there she was, her ample rear (tyres) in a subtle clothing of metallic light silver blue. Her xenon headlights appeared to flash their brilliance directly at me as I approached, beckoning me ever closer.


Her sleek flanks were adorned with the understated green and red decoration which could signify only one thing. "R". Did this mean the initial of my name? Could it be a sign that we were destined to be together? Too late I realised that her magnetism was drawing me closer, closer.....


"Good morning Sir". Her keeper scented a victim. "Can we help you?"


Before I could resist the temptation, I was saying, "Yes, could I have a closer look at the S Type R?"


"Of course, Sir. Would you like to sit inside? I'll get the keys and start her up".


The intoxication, the purring murmer from 4.2 litres soon gave way to the banshee wail from her supercharger as she leapt at my merest touch like a thing possessed , her soft interior hugging me in its embrace, urging me to go further, faster, to take her for my own.


The die was cast, the cheque was written, she is mine to the extent that she can ever be possessed by another.

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My father allways wanted a Jag so it's one car i've told myself i'll have to own one day, congratulations on your purchase and get some pics up!! :)

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mmm one cruised by me this morning, very nice motor.


Evo ran one for a long term test, you should be able to have a read at http://www.evo.co.uk. IIRC they liked it had a few little probs, worst one being a faulty wire causing all sorts of weird issues. Jag have made an improvement since they ran the feature.


oh yeah, we need pics!

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Stunning! Absolutely can't blame you one bit! See a few round here (seeing as I could pretty much SEE Browns Lane Jaguar from my house) and there is no doubting that they're beautiful powerful machines.. look forward to the pics!

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