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Headlight adjustment

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There's a white plastic knob on the back of each headlight that's designed to be turned by hand. Can be a bit of a squeeze getting to the driver's side one, but not that bad :)

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i have got a cone filter so hopefully there should be more space.


i have some new headlight bulbs to try so cant put them in untill i sort the direction of them out.


thanks for the help....probably skinned knuckles tomorrow!

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Ah new bulbs hey.......probably best to remove the units completely, really is the best and least time consuming way. Work out how much of an adjustment is needed and guesstimate it on your workbench. If you do do this then make sure you replace the screws (2 on top, one down whole in the middle) with some stainless, will save you literally hours of grief further down the line!

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yup. plastic knob thing on the back of each headlight. If you can do it in the dark with the lights on against a wall with another car next to it parked at the same distance to the wall to align. worked for me

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