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Corrado-Forum Scottish RR-day Convoy'n'meet-ups

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Yeah, good to meet everyone again. Still gutted I couldnt get my car on but at least it got me there ok. The Alfa we brought with us for a replacement was down on power as well. :(


KARMANN, Was that yourself with the red 16v?


Highlight for me was a shot of ess threes mk3 gti, thanks again Glen. :p


Highest of the day i think was Struans at 245bhp, with a bit of black smoke so probably more to come from the g60. :shock: Got a good digi vid of it as well that I just need to compress.

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Highest of the day i think was Struans at 245bhp, with a bit of black smoke so probably more to come from the g60. :shock:



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Well done again Roddy for organising a great day.


My G60 unfortunately didnt perform as well as I would have hoped, 177Bhp, however my throttle cable was sticking, still need to get the driveshaft replaced and the timing still has to be set up after installing the upgraded sns chip and 68mm pulley. So I should have some more ponies to pull out of it next time.


Congratulations Struan 8)



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Highlight for me was a shot of ess threes mk3 gti, thanks again Glen. :p



My pleasure Joe...

I guess it helps to dispel the rumours that all Mk3s are heavy, underpowered beasts that don't handle!




Just to add:

What a cracking day!


I guess there will be a few who've gone home somewhat hacked off after being on the receiving end of a low power run...


There will also be a few who can't stop smiling! Martins Polo, Gary's Golf hybrid...and the owner of the VR6 that made 210BHP!! (sorry, didn't get your name)...superb power...and sounded top notch too!


And best wishes to Brian...let's hope it's not as bad as you first thought!


Hopefully everyone had a safe journey home...with no mechanical 'issues' to contend with...


Myself and Dave in his Passat had a good play heading north...managed to teach some muppet in a Punto a thing or two! Happy days...!

A good end to a great day...


Thanks to Roddy for kicking it off...and to everyone who made it...I think I can safely say it was the most relaxed and friendly RR day I've been to...

When's the next? :lol:



Oh, Struan....game on!! :wink:

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Quality day, I am so glad I decided to go. Car didn't perform as well I had hoped. Only 183.5 bhp (vr6). I still maintain it wasn't warm enough, and the rate I went home at I am sure it has more :D . Still, had a great day anyway. ~6 corrados in convoy (and 1 lotus elan) was an awesume sight.


Should have the list of photos I took up by tomorrow night.


Anyway I better be off to start saving for the mods I have in mind. Must work harder!!




Simon (red vr6)

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have to agree with simon on the convoy was awesome, there was some strange looks as other drivers passed us on the way up. Thanks to biggrim for the race on the way up to help loosen up the car (passed him at 145mph ) just shows the vr6 has that bit extra when it comes to straight line speed.


I was particulary happy with the result of my RR 193bhp and 145bhp at the wheels not bad for totally standard.


Thanks to rodders for arranging the day and for the lone of his air box to try out , I'll attempt the modification on the air box asap. Look forward to seeing the photo's and any video footage.


clark :lol:

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Bit of double sided tape and I am sure it will be fine Brian!! Is never nice to see a car with a few bruises especially a mates!!


You know what happened tho Brian, you cracked under the pressure of having the mighty 1.4 Polo behind you!!! :lol: :lol:


Hope is not too sore a one on the wallet, great time of year for it!! :cry: Good job you don't drink much otherwise you would be suicidal with hefty repair bills!!


It was an enjoyable day, noticed Roddy had a few more than normal grey hairs tho due to the stress of it all :lol: :lol: well worth it, cheers Roddy.


Looking forward to the next one too and just glad the Polo made over standard power and didn't blow up!!!


Will you still be the Daddy in a year Struan if your car lasts.. :lol: :lol:


Thanks again

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Bit of double sided tape and I am sure it will be fine Brian!! Is never nice to see a car with a few bruises especially a mates!!


yeah, cheers mate :cry: Didnt even get to run the bitch :cry:


Good job you don't drink much otherwise you would be suicidal with hefty repair bills!!


Just started drinking again :lol:


You know what happened tho Brian, you cracked under the pressure of having the mighty 1.4 Polo behind you!!!


Yup, and thats where itll stay when the car is healthy again :lol:

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Will just have to make sure you keep it on the road next time Brian!!! Perhaps some new tyres would be a good idea!!!! :lol:


Are you walking to Star to pick up your car!!! :lol:


Taxi bill is in the post for the lift home :twisted:

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Dick Dastardly,


no probs mate, it were proper bo! Was a great day and well organised so big thanks to Roddy for that. Happy with my 182bhp from the G60 but hungry for more. Convoy was great fun... loved the look on the face of the integra's passenger as it passed 7 of us on the way there 8) and the sweet little lotus. Big up to the daddy too, 245bhp, i wish i had that sort of power.


Can't wait till the next one :lol:



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I will add my thanks to roddy for a great day!

Got 210bhp out of the VR (miltek and k+n).

Normal unleaded fuel but with some STP octane (could be cheating)

Anyway still a good run.

Looking forward to the next one.

cheers again


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