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Lost Fob and keys!

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Dont know how, just one of those twilight moments when car keys vanish and you cant for the life of you remember when or how, just gone!


I have the original alarm system and still have a spare key set, but the fob is playing up. So can anyone who has since updated their alarm and have redundant fobs please send me one, at least then I can reset and have a proper working fob, oh and where do I get another key cut to match?

This would be much appreciated and a large drinks on me at the next every-ones-going-to-be-there meet. :notworthy:


This is some car, but wallet hungry.


Sane (just)

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Well you aint going to have much luck with the keyfob.. i've accumulated a bunch of them as I only got one with my car (and i have the standard VAG fit alarm) but VW can no longer code old fobs to the alarm box in the car.. so basically you're stumped.


Might be time to cough up for a new Cat1 system :( I'm thinking thats what I need to do to :(

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Cheers GradeA Ill give them a buzz and see what can be done there.


Know what ya saying Jim, just too much money spent on fixes, the old alarm works just fine so see how I get on with electro.


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