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Roger Blassberg

Rear bumper removal

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Is it as simple as undoing the four bolts, (two each side) from under the boot floor, and pulling the bumper back from the car, or are there any other fixings to the sides?


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Yip - if it's not been off before then it should be fairly easy as the bolts won't be too tight and will still have the factory coating on them...


If it's been off and stuck back on by a body shop then you may need to steel some scaffold! :lol:

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Bolts all start to turn, I just have not yet fully undone them.


So it sounds like it might be one of those very rare things, "An Easy Job".


Thanks all


Best wishes



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Roger? Just be careful when you remove the bumper as it will drop towards you. It helps to have some old carpet or something similar just in case the turn catches you out. Its not heavy, just awkward.

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