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CaiosG60 PWR

Opinons please?

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Ive bought these wheels off eBay for my TVR which arrived a couple of days ago.


This is the ad:


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0103777494


Now have a look at the pictures and tell me if the ad is at all accurate? Are these wheels "All in very good condition with NO major scratches or bumps"?


Also the ad says "Very good condition Eagle F1 tyres fitted", what I got was 3 Eagle F1s and a Toyo thats the wrong size. Only one of Eagle F1 is "very good".

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Do you consider them to be in very good condition?


Do you consider them not to have any major scrapes and bumps?


Did they include very good condition f1 eagles?


If the answer is yes to the above questions, then all is well.


If no, then uve been had.

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aye mate - they look in need of TLC and with one wheel the wrong size are dangerous in a fapping fast car.


Can you claim anything through paypal/ebay? I don't know the process of hand (ebay newb!).



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Do you consider them to be in very good condition?


Do you consider them not to have any major scrapes and bumps?


Did they include very good condition f1 eagles?


If the answer is yes to the above questions, then all is well.


If no, then uve been had.


I definitely don’t!


Thing is the wheels cost £600 and then £100 shipping. The guy told me he would refund me. I then said I would look after the wheels and he could get them picked up here by another buyer or courier. But when I checked my paypal account he had sent me a payment of £600, which paypal took £20 from. So Ive had £580 back and he’s refusing to refund the postage. Now thats not on is it?


This is the first time Ive ever "been had" buying or selling over eBay. I think Id become to trusting. :roll:

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i bought alloys once which turned out to off been in a crash, think on was buckled and the other had a flat bit in it

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To be honest - sometimes its best to cut your losses and be rid of the problem items before you get too stressed over it. The heart attack isn't worth it! I'd say give them back, withdraw the money and be done with it. Annoying I know, had the same with me - but best to be rid and move on.


Good luck fella.

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for hundred notes I'd be withdrawing them from his knees, he's misadvertised and misled why should anyone else bear the brunt of his shitty attitude?

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To be honest - sometimes its best to cut your losses and be rid of the problem items before you get too stressed over it. The heart attack isn't worth it! I'd say give them back, withdraw the money and be done with it. Annoying I know, had the same with me - but best to be rid and move on.


Good luck fella.



To true but its the principle of it now. The adverts a blatant lie and the guys relisted them without much change. Although the changes he’s made show he knows he’s in the wrong. The next person who buys them will have the same problem. I just don’t see how it should cost him nothing but the eBay listing fee and cost me £120 and a lost week of TVR motoring! (Knackered tyres on my 19’s prevent me from driving it until new wheels and tyres sourced)

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for hundred notes I'd be withdrawing them from his knees, he's misadvertised and misled why should anyone else bear the brunt of his **** attitude?


Im pissed! :( :x

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A few reasons really Lippy.


I have some 19" fitted with 30 profile tyres which aren’t helping the handling of the car really. Need 18" with 35 or 40 profile.


The 19" I have are a little tired too.


Lastly a couple of my tyres have had it and there no point in spending on new 19" rubber when there not really appropriate for the car.


Ive tracked down some mint Spiders to pick up tomorrow but I could have got them last week if it wasnt for this wanker.

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Let me just make sure I've read this right, the guy has paid you back £600 (less paypal's fee) but you still have the wheels. Is this right?


If so, take the money he has sent but refuse to give back the wheels until he has refunded you fully for the postage. Paypal's always gonna take its cut but don't see any reason why you should lose out on the price you paid for the wheels in the first place.


I bought some glasses that were fakes, the guy offered me 1/2 back, i refused and got nothing in the end. Got his account closed for fraud but didn't help me. You don't want that to happen if you've paid £700!

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Let me just make sure I've read this right, the guy has paid you back £600 (less paypal's fee) but you still have the wheels. Is this right?


If so, take the money he has sent but refuse to give back the wheels until he has refunded you fully for the postage. Paypal's always gonna take its cut but don't see any reason why you should lose out on the price you paid for the wheels in the first place.


I bought some glasses that were fakes, the guy offered me 1/2 back, i refused and got nothing in the end. Got his account closed for fraud but didn't help me. You don't want that to happen if you've paid £700!


I do still have them and £580 back but its not my style really to hold them for ransom. I hope it can be sorted without resulting to that.


*EDIT even though it tempting.

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I would go with what Mark_Storm, said above. I would contact the seller and demand the full figure paid to him. You paid in full for the wheels as described. They were not as described, and thus the transaction is void in my book, and you are due your money, a full refund before you return the goods. It is what you are entitled to.


And if he does not agree to it, well then i would still give his wheels back, after a LONG LONG TIME, and i would complain to ebay and give him terrible feedback, that will warn others and have it done with.

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so your down £120? then let him know that its going to cost him the £120 in "storage fees", and he can give it to you when he collects them.

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tosser no way you should be down 120


20 you might be able to look away from


if you want me to round up a posse who just happen to be at yours for a cup of tea when he comes to collect them let me know!!!!

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****** no way you should be down 120


20 you might be able to look away from


if you want me to round up a posse who just happen to be at yours for a cup of tea when he comes to collect them let me know!!!!


He's from N Ireland and looking at his eBay history a body builder so a big posse would probably be in order. lol


Hopefully he'll see sense and/or the paypal dispute will work out.

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“I cannot refund the shipping cost of £100 as this is a separate item, When you purchased the wheels you paid for me to ship them to you which i have done. You are adding confusion to this by requesting that i refund you for shipping when it is clear i have been very fair with you. The wheels are considerably more valuable than what you purchased them for and although the value is irrelivant i do not consider your argument valid for condition... as they have NEVER been buckled or severly damaged. You seem to have the idea that i am trying to pull the wool over your eyes, if this where the case i simply would not have given you your money back! The wheels where not in as bad condition as you have made out, although when you declared to me you where unhappy, i did not for a moment hesitate to offer you your money back, does this action strike you as unfair? I think you need to review you buying style, you purchased these USED wheels from an auction, it clearly states they are used, did you expect new wheels and tyres? I am a fair ebay trader and would not intentionally mislead anyone! hence your refund. I also want this recorded as you have requested a full £700 refund? this strikes me as very strange considering i have refunded the £600 already for the wheels.. Why did you do this? I will not be refunding the £100 shipping cost as i believe your principals are wrong and you are acting in a non ethical manor.”



What a fucking prick!!!

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Reply to him telling him that the wheels do have major scratches on them, contrary to his description. Similarly, the tyres are not in 'very good condition', nor are they all Eagle F1s as described in his auction.


You have requested a refund because the original and re-listed auction is misleading and the items were not as described. You see no reason why you should be out of pocket for the not unsubstantial deliverly costs for an item which was listed contrary to the ebay rules.

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Well got my money back now minus £25 in fees. But bugger that now, just happy to have sorted it.


Lesson learned, don’t buy wheels off eBay without seeing loads of pictures first. Obvious really but after years of no trouble I got too trusting. Shame there’s always one, eh!

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Glad you got it sorted out in the end :)


Thanks, Im happy its sorted. Your above advice was spot on.



Also checked the offsets today and he'd lied about them too. Totally wrong for my car.

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You should of asked if they would let you sell them with the correct description on ebay and if they go for less than you paid then they pay the difference to you,and if you manage to put enough people off with the description then get a mate to bid and win at low price .you would get the wheels and a big refund. :lol: Or ask for a partial refund enough to refurb them then sell them on. If all fails take it to a dispute now because you already have a part refund

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He was making a healthy amount of money for the packiging and time to post, as there is no way he was charged £100 to send a set of rims.

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