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Jim Bowen

VW Power & Style By Ian Kuah

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anyone else got this book?


i just got a copy of it, looks alright to me, only had a quick flick thru it but i spotted a bit about corrado estate


gonna have a proper read later

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I've got it too..............tis a good read but only briefly goes into the Corrado,but then again the Corrado was 2years old at the oldest when the book was first published

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i noticed that, book is from 1991, so no mention of the VR6 at all (from what i've flicked thru so far)


talks about the 4WS and spoiler tho and some pretty pictures


why has the corrado on the cover got no side repeaters tho?

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Very good book indeed, the 16v section is most informative.


Humn, no running lights on the C on the front so it's not a US spec model either.

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